Trying Not To Try
Liberal vs. evangelical viewpoints can highlight differences, opposites even, and mechanism of faith.
About what's appropriate and expected in struggles through to outworking and fulfilment. What's doing in the fuel and chemistry and being a believe-er.
What should we be thinking and proclaim as we go? Is . . .
The Song Of The Anti-Christ OR...
(Update: BOY these posts are on the decline, pretty rubbish and less than satisfactory. Won't delete, that's too precious).
Often wonder why so few 'all for Jesus' aren't into facing the deeper realities presented on, say; The News at Six?
Here be where taunting scams and sheer demonic utterance . . .
The Look
Donald Tusk today:
'I've been wondering what that special place in hell looks like, for those who promoted #Brexit, without even a sketch of a plan how to carry it out safely.'
Talk about tiresome melodrama. Keep coming back to why the counterproductive and futility of certain establishment appeals? . . .
Shipping Forcast
('Forcast' should be, forecast, but hey, this the way I rumbled).
Looking at the news/headlines is a questionable exercise. Receiving the bonkers and the bias no matter how it's addressed has the potential to do us no good. My take is it cannot but do us down and the nefarious purpose to damage, regardless of . . .
See The Snatching
Quantity over quality, and speed over time with consideration. M'motto. Or, could be, with all this seed-planting lark.
Once upon, one a day and for ages. Knock out in gay abandon. Stop being at all, readership-conscious.
Get to the message. Reckon, revelation, at best. Here now, and this:
One of . . .
The Prayer Tip
Discovered a tech. issue and comments. One's come in from someone called Brian about Downer's An Upper:
'Ditto. Not been on the prayer tip for a while now. Rudderless, not leading the tribe well. Have and Ezekiel, Ezrah and Elijah at base camp, maybe I need to look at how they led the fam. Only 2% evangelicals . . .
Downer's An Upper
Should be praying. Not been, so... on, the holy and healthy habit for a while. A post to preach (at me). A therapeutic move, seeking to settle what's necessary and deal with the distress.
Sorry and sad about the state of someone and a message in all this from God:
Never compare, except on occasion, to be . . .