Upside Down
We're schooled in style. It's what we like. The come-across combo. Communicate charm, attraction, confidence etc. Whatever the way, that looks and have us feel is special. Someone with powers and presence. As ever -- modern media drives this into us.
Think we know more than we do and able to judge. God says . . .
Making Leads
First need is us. In totality and faith. Untied and present. Nothing but the "blood of Jesus" -- talk and over the past. For me... takes some doing. Remembering to forget. For God says, does. Voluntary amnesia.
There's a place for comparisons and praise. About all. Else, it's a wasting indulgence. . . .
Until The Harvest Fails
What did I say eh? Here's an un-up comment:
'Sexuality, what a winder upper. Suppose the qualm here is all about double-talking hypocrisy? Are Trump and likers, hidden homophobes and/or down with it? Who on the literal? Called-religious ones and anything-like into T. want lines/drawn/leadership male. Any concessions . . .
Questions Are Encouraged
Simplifying what's complicated or the opposite? One or other abounds.
In theology, oversimplifying can cover to deflect challenges. From a wider perspective, hide the difficulties and conclude. When questions are encouraged by God.
The reason there's no mass political awake and/or Jesus uptake -- not . . .
Interpretation And Use
One interpretation is the high places are ablaze with fires for the gods. I lift up mine eyes unto the hills....
The one for use here/me/today. Well, was yesterday.
Regular religious routines meant all to those of the day. Success and social acceptance -- in-with the-in -- was the direct association. The gods gave . . .
Expression Emergency
Writing is a mirror (for me). Like it's shouting back -- "anything going on?". Lazy ways exposed. Input should have produced. Here I am. Start typing, unprepared and intent, on coming up with something. 50 minutes to publish and counting.
A challenge not to flounder at vanity and concerns it'll be too dull . . .
Did Move The Multitude
Update: 'Dust in the mouths' quoted below can be found here. More comprehensive chat.
Why the on and on? Dissect the troubles, to those, might be listening or reading who get it and hopeful not -- "but... so?" The relative few. Seems most everyone else, remains silent, or . . .