Words Over
God has goals. Spoken by us, through Him. May even have been spoken over-us, post-conception. In the womb. For instance, Jeremiah had words given to him later, that were originally declared before he was born. Ones others might share.
These can come early-on, these 'words over'. They're generally conditional but from a confidence in God, that all will be. With promises attached, ones God undertakes. Makes a covenant with and these are the plans I have for you.
The years between spoken and outworking are not like we tend to experience the past. Distant and behind us, lacking relevance, or even forgotten. For God, there are internal agreements, and declarations into the unseen that -- if we've received -- are held in. Shaped and nudged toward, with countless God-interventions and calls.
This today's prayerful muse and try-prophecy. One thought and one for the day: How God, prophecy's the future and fulfilment?
This post -- without getting personal and disclosing -- is more/my way, to fulfil. Words spoken. See God move-through. In reading this build faith. Through immense amounts of reading the word, until permeates and fills. By declaring what the Holy Spirit leads with.
God designs this life and reality to be the outcome of our words in faith. There's no other way to interpret the Bible.
Although many would say, this is too us-centred. God does and we spectate -over- participate. Not my theology. And my explanation for most of the troubles we see. Faith-less-ness or misplaced directions.
As with, rise or get up and walk. The not physical-bread-alone we live by. The world sustained by. God is waiting for us. All creation groans.
Final burst, while short on something to say. What this mirror of a Blog is part-about. Show myself-up on a daily basis. And -- here a prophecy -- see this turnaround.
Takes certain restraint/fasting. For God wants us to prophecy more than we likely imagine. Really ought, to not post unless... got the semblance of something.
Be/me clear: Prophecy is communicating something God wants saying for purposes unseen. May involve the future but as powerful, in catching what God needs to say, about now. Someone-human hearing the word, the cause of action. Unlike normal estimates of influence ever-bigger crowds isn't the issue. Why the internet is so powerful yet contend so wasted. Of course, go further 'the net' is Nos1. expression of our enemy.
Back to the Proph. Something about capturing the times and engaging with God to re-shape.
Best try-do, a part2 t'murra
Peace and love