When He Returns 3.
On one two hour library ticket and do it/done by 3 pm. On structure of Rev. and comments on Dylan lyric. No more.... "need longer" excuses(?).
The basis of Biblical-believing and integrity and the available historical documents, could lean this way or that, regarding the compilation and subsequent gathering of the sixty-six books. Sough to face the Liberal (Christian) critiques, while esoteric-minded and archelogy-hunting Evangelicals are off into material-type backing. Been there. Sceptics, and yet Truthers, prefer Josephus (AD90s) concocted it all and seek to redeem, come decry, the book/s we read today.
When on the controversies (posts), which propose don't fit the time-waster-talk, the New Testament laments attention upon. Includes one about history and the pre-nineteenth century, being altogether other, and not at all what we're told, carries weight. Overall and Bible-is(?) offer and initial response is the writing and research of F.F. Bruce and like. Able to bring textual and scholarship to the arguments but it's faith, that God can and would be able to ensure we have what was wanted is the valid overarch.
Influenced Roger T. Forster and way to view and dig-about the Book of Revelation. Fair to suggest, he's all about mediating in and marrying up, the ding-dong differences among Evangelicalism. Am more into Truther-types and genuine struggling' seekers, getting a decent review and respectful take on the Bible/Christianity, and...
God and the Christ/Holy Spirit/Father and one God; recognising Jesus name and power, and evidential outworking of intent.
Looking with our own freedom to perceive is the honest and reliable way through to potential, personal, conviction. We go/grow(?) from child-like and parental guidance is everything, i.e. the local church; to deciding (or not?) to live in the distinctive theology and ways and go through a healthy adolescence. reckon blessed and find a level of maturity, which is a discernment and settling and a productive place out of the two younger stages.
Words can mean different things. When is 'death' physical -or- otherwise? How about 'almighty' ('pantokrator', and original Greek, used nine times in Rev. comes from 'all' and 'powerful')?
Says/means... what?
Does it mean God intends and/or directs every last and every-thing? Granted and the originator of life has responsibility. How goes and genuine freedoms from randomness to independent human choices?
As with 'Alpha and Omega'? Is time and tick-tocking, what it describes, or; how about what God says, as and when, the first and last words on everything?
Reality is said to be sustained by God but again, what's delegated in power and responsibility and what about the battles and talk of engagement by Christians/ ...by, whosoever, and praying, and/or social loving, actions?
There's a pattern to the structure of the book which suggests it's all about a progressive revelation, from and about, Christ.
After the literal-sounding letter to local churches to implore toward becoming an 'overcomer', symbolic numbered vision and symbols come in a vision to John the receiver.
The revelator.
Four vision separated by the phrase, 'in (the) Spirit'. First two are the voice of a loud trumpet, final two are the voice of angels with bowls of wrath.
1.) Rev. 1:9-3:22; 2.) 11-16:21; 3.) 17:1-21:8, and; 4.) 22:6-22:21. Then comes series over the expanse of 1.) and 2.) and 'sevens' (letters, seals, trumpets, and signs). In 3.) is a vision of where the world goes in expectation and toward culmination. 4.) is the future of that and justice delivered and everlasting direction.
The hints and images suggest an active and overcomers-led reigning on in a renewed earth.
Reconciliation of all things and so much of what's presented takes careful consideration and produces divergence and debate.
More in a final two posts and 'When He Comes' but this tock is tickin' and do Dylan, and time up.
It goes to keep the simple explanation first and don't go-beyond (for sure), while allow for space to be agnostic and and count as secondary and not an essential theological claim.
Of course, the approach and interpretative lens we're on is a determinant.
Will do Pt. 5 Tuesday, and spill my t'inking. Pt. 4, tomorrow.
Dylan's words are all-right..., again; ALL right, if..., we read around and interpret best-can?
The difficulty is the grieve, over a lost in a later-rejected theology that was at its hip church hiatus.
My ish., even with a disagreement and most of the Futurist outlook is the question of now-and-alive.., fruit?
Many in this stream of Christianity, find relief through the ever-cries and sense of imminence and the second coming. Within that crowd is the idea the troubles appearing in the economic and social will increase until they escape.
Get the paradox and want to see God come (again), yet... and the call to endure and reach-out?
The tech. term is 'dispensational pretribulation rapture'. The alleged and clearest source and start was Margaret MacDonald in Scotland and early nineteenth century in as-then disputed charismatic goings-on. A teenager in a prayer meeting, saw and got the now-popular theology going.
Bob and his late-70s time in church and bible school went with the unanimous flow. Like others and emerging concerns; time-passing doesn't bode well for surrounding predictive claims.
Think...; early 1990s and alarm about CO2 and the climate erupting in heat etc.?
Would add the 'burn' means ...what?
Hot and literal; redemptive and refining; destroys and kills. Figurative as with clouds, trumpets and all kinds of language.
The one jumps-out wee-ting will note:
Of every earthly plan that be known to man, he is unconcerned.
Taken and God 'laughs at' in Psalm 2. Like these brilliant and not in doubt for me, Dylan's rawest and realest expression, it never goes into obvious error but ...oh how it reflects the ones held in the day and time/place it was written. Context and balance, overall and Bible and mitigation.
YET..., have written on Keith Green and the 70s Jesus Movement it came from and raved-on that it was an astonishing and still-challenges move of God.
Paradox, and pro's and con's.
God cares beyond our understanding to conceive. Gethsemane and in the deepest and single defining moment in all history: Jesus death.
The resurrection, the answer. While the depth and mystery, power and present reality, is the world and beyond, wonder of wonders; the love and defeat of evil, death and all our yesterdays for a promised tomorrow.
Time to edit a bit and that's m'lot. One hour 50, oh yeah. The time allotted, m'likes.
Keith and Melody Green and friends. Reference: Keith died in a plane crash.