What Us?
Will I… what?
Do what’s required in knowing; See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, – This.
Earthly and temporal for redeeming mercies and salvation, from less suffering than would be otherwise. For children especially. Tortured and tortured and multitudes…
( – anger and alarm is the only Godly response. Visceral and vocal. Glib disbelief and cynical complacency is demonic, if this description, means anything. Not mad dots that aren’t, made-up out of weak conjecture but in looking carefully and sensibly. Gift of discernment).
God therefore says, we must do-all and stop this first and foremost: Systematic and collective, bulk and elites, in their spiritual derived frenzy.
While men sleep – lands remaining and could speak freely out in, are being set-up for full-on robbery. There’s a time for… and these are the revealing-beast days. For substantial defeats and knock-back from us with God -or- an onslaught against God’s prophetic promises. "Never and no, NO..."
Not for kick-back and escape to the next life thinking. Action-less spectate.
Time for co-collaboration and yes, evangelism – yes/if/open/can/asked/welcome – but we do the gospel by being the gospel. Understanding the times Christian's and standing in the between.
Intercession proceeds all.
Tell about Jesus. Love. Must do I know but and /AND in the battle for every nation that rages, do like the saints did in Syria, come the Western-run f.f. invasion: See what the local church buildings and gatherers there, have had to become and serve-do?
Two central crimes and rituals, protect yet coerce the dark cult, while projecting their bad news; False or hoax flags -and- child abuse and murder.
Social decline and increasing wider wars until there’s exposure and mainstream justice. Neo-con – same as the old con – perpetrators in-charge, have committed or complicit in these flags and/or abuse are being blackmailed. This in Washington. Regional versions, mix and match.
In the over-information war tawk. Tooo much, far too much yabby yabba, yet paradoxically, way too few broadcasters and about thousand, instead on tens of. This – might be as near to what’s US-happening as we’ll get.
Deeper state religious lot, one-step removed from t.v. level disclosure, are string-pulling for spirits' satanic. Nb, is a role, in describing these persons without bodies ways and human disciples. The bosses' bosses. In deluded believe-secret knowledge and only purposeful future. Death is they think-glory and some next mumbo-jumbo.
So what? Me, us?
‘Lead not to the test or temptation’, Jesus calls us to pray. Two psychological boosters, reminders ‘why?’ Emptiness. This, the darkness manifest. Blank generations. Thrills and spills – like chasing the wind. Done, done, done and less, less etc – do. Waste in the face of. Days off or work-days?
Remember emptiness.
Hear the bell. Daily and prayer, all that. Keep me – money-make enough aside – keeping on.
Avoidance of empty. Eyes down on the Book. Look up – wail.
but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you.