Not so-hearing God. Know why? About coming more and long enough, for a proper while, in a place to hear.
Shall spit for some minutes and withdraw off. Another opportunity today to hear and herald out. Not fill-up with internet or whatever else. Do what must and do what can.
Not hearing much, because not enough waiting and reaching-out alone/no distractions. Declaration and building. Soaking and power. As for anyone else?
Not even close-to a word, can I read/hear from another. Someone in an at-church circle. Church meeting types, among a gathering or community, to confirm and lift up. Among the loud proclaimers of Christ.
Not that this is a legitimate substitute, we’re all called to hear direct and respond but looked this morn/again.
C/o internet-based channels – never is – anything close to ‘something from God’. Bereft and baron. ‘The winds of heaven are coming to earth...’ says/writes one. Pent -ing up the posy ch. growth etc expectation for years, to no avail. What’s that film..? ‘Groundhog…’ add ‘Church’. Revolving doors and out comes reverse-converted. Dead-again. At least drained of zeal for this generation.
For many better out of conventional Church community and honest eyes than in and blathering.
Those not-looking, world in action wise. No press, no (fake) news. Not at all. Fasting from. All right now – this understandable. But those ‘think’ they know and care, having the most fundamental of lies drifting about within…
Not for me to much say but obviously, what’s God think/able to do through?
This ‘winds’ one, comes from about as top of the tree you can get and those Charismatic Ch. recognised lot. And have to ask, are they full-on sham-ers or well-meaning drunks on traditions of men? Not for me to say/know, ‘least so far/unless led, and hear God/know?
No excuses my end. Less typing/graph and certainly www-ing – shut away and maybe, just maybe, can do something? Am I even led to look to others/any/where? No. Probably not.
Although, 'sowing wind', is a real problem. Speaking out what constitutes deceptions. Sounds oh so promising and productive yet is 'wishing…' and not faith in truth – in God. Has worse than say nothing outcomes.
Here’s a word, more intuitive analysis: Charismatic church at its strident go-go-go end, is the most significant stumbling-block to God moving… yes, God wind-like, comings.
Conversely, is the most obv. locked-up army of God. Unimaginable how they might untangle? IF only one or two of them (famous figures), would exchange bold and brash rebellion and stubbornness, for true repentance?
Here/now. What saith me?
The world ‘revolves around’ words spoken. Ones God speaks-into our whizzing circumstances, when heard by people and expressed back out in sounds or symbols. Becomes something akin to agents for change toward openness and better. Mysterious mechanisms. Fabric unseen.
The good of life seen, the freedoms and space for this to occur, built on and through prayer. For the Gospel. For God’s… glory. Manifestation, of what God is – on earth.
Those calling much on Jesus name. Pledged and promised ones. Lock-up or release, God’s moving and engagement. We hold the keys. For many, traditions have taught, a kind of cart before the horse. God leads away/ does when, God wants/ we wait 'till. Yes: we get alone space and hear/led. No, if we think that God'll by-pass us doing what has been given us in all the power and promises to do.
Word for me: No excuses. No mañana tomorrow. Yes, today and… wait. But not to wait when must speak to mountains and go do. Direction and capacity received sure, but doing, is always at hand.
Update: Usually leave my not uncommon to feel regretful remarks. Today’s got narky and lacked sight and with the measure you use... Frustration not faith is the expected call. The charismatic, or otherwise church, has scam merchants, no doubt – but I don’t know who and don’t care to look. The ‘ye should repent’ line is over them knowing more about the political backdrop, yet remaining silent. Pretending. Or flock-protecting, I think, is more the motive. But my faith, is my issue and don’t pray, they might make a public stand. They’re unlikely ‘scam-ing’ or any more tradition driven than us all. Given to limited confines and less minded to consider.
My purpose here’s to go: Lacking grace toward and discernment to say such. Know deep and clear idea, what and why, not one significant-reaching-crowds church leader speaks up for political honesty? Complex and all caught up in peer pressure. No doubt talk privately but have some convoluted strategy why keep quiet?
Progressives (lefties) or trads (right)… I grieve, and don’t want to punch with words. Have only sadness. Could take all sorts of baggage and diverse from my ways and views. Listen to preachers still and receive. Just. And v.v.few.
And this my statement: Charismatic Church is so right and yet so wrong. This what makes it so hard to stand the state. God can be so present, conversely I get his word of pain… and the sheer indulgence and waste therein. Hey, like me. Like more all and less?
Grace. Paradox. In the middle and holding. It’s God able to love so, that both words can be said; mercy/grace and the love that inhabits and blesses -and- the light/truth and our complete irrelevant indulgence in face of the aching world. Read today, truly understand grace…
Admonishment AND affirmation.
Seems a contradiction but somehow combined. And look how almost all sounding off, on one or other perspectives. Give so oft: Love/hate. Like/despise. And yet, as I commented earlier… ‘What’s unseen is not necessarily correlated to the seen. In discernment, only God can somehow confirm or challenge, or light-up, what we think is going on. Hence, the more-enemy activity, might be less obviously manifestly… obvious’.
What’s readily intentionaly ‘prophetic’ publicly, makes me squirm with embarrassment, with exasperation – but not praying about/for, leaves me no room to begin to comment on as above. God have mercy on ME.