'Turning to... and not, from and to…
The why and what-way, best-get, the idols falling? God and ways first – dragging-downers and dealt with… as you go. More you go.
Heard Jim Cymbala preach this verse, reminding me how true in life its been. And I can't find anything to work from in 'rules for priests' and today's readings but fits-ish.
Another concluding dynamic is, 'why turn' to God? Sheer personal need can get ya but when 'n what else? For Christians – mission. Plug away planting for newbies to join? Waves came and went for most and me. Although if out there and on it? My encouragement. (If/not driving everyone nuts and 'away' even more).
And me, mine, what? Why-live/for-what?
Become a proper pray-er.
Because God says this is the way I was made for. Jonsey sounding: Born with genetic infused ancestral calls and revelation of their method and terror.
Why though? Because? I can/not.
Around a decade or less ago, realise the vision. The one that reveals what we mustn't, tolerate. Putting down idol-opinion and eventually idol-la-la, lalalala... live for today. Fi-nal-ly... God fulfilled the escape plan.
Currently on a holy hiatus with negligible pressures. What a blessing, to pray and do online stuff. Possibly do some street work? Therefore, reticent to compare my lot with others. Working and/or living in a-madness, unable to even think freely, leaving little but lock-down. Broken down life is where-at. And if y'lucky, '...the weekend'. I have to do some money-work but far from the factory.
Many/of us, have much though. Still. Why we should care for the 'world' and not keep all that for the close ones - is a gift of God in humanity? Compassion and care? Empathy? (That which is on an overall dive down). Why not go with the existential flow? Make good and enjoy is more gift at its best, but that's gotta all-go, according to the plans from the pit. See this? Know the power promised can – WILL – overturn. Gotta be priest.
All Christians are priests of course.
Ooop, that was yesterday and 'rules for priests' readings, today (following NIV Chronological), is offerings for the poor and healthy living ways. Purification.
Morning post here. Shorter and 'one' thing?
Without a vision... we're told, we - 'perish'. No priesting, no purification. No action. Hunting mice while the lions… Roar.
How integral was the empire, to why the power came-so, in the early church? Pentecost was a necessity regardless but all the 'acts of…'? What's different today? The idols of 'church is/tradition says' – get that. But what else? The coming AD70 apocalypse. The apocalypse, in history. The one set to destroy, as the enemy was able to insist. The post-cross and resurrection counteract. Out of this came the launching, the rescue mission. Now we have an approx AD2020 inevitable build-up. Could be sooner, little room to be much later. Most saved-ones are lost-again in a fudge about eschatology. In studying so, the live application missed. The 'revelation' is for a coming stand and overcome. Applied as it has been historically, when reality of threat trumps twisted fate, it's why we're we have any of the freedoms we currently politically live in, today. '1984 not supposed to be an instruction manual' and follow-along - but warning for betterment. Same the – particularly N.T. - prophetic writings. Not-an-instruct to happen ...necessarily. That's why they're transcribed and given us.
But this on a lotta deaf ears. Christian' new-age - ism. Calvin – ism. (With respect to all the triers and pray-ers, under that umbrella).
A word? If only we knew the power we have and purposes God has.