The War On Reality
In the week since the 21st report, which covered adverse reactions reported up to the 21st February 2021, there have been a further 5,352 Yellow Cards for the Pfizer vaccine, 6,118 Yellow Cards for the Oxford vaccine, and 1,357 Yellow Cards for the Moderna vaccine.
However this does not reflect the total number of adverse reactions as a Yellow Card report can contain multiple averse reactions, and it is estimated that around only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions to the Covid jabs are actually reported to the scheme.
The Pfizer jab has so far had 223,404 reported adverse reactions, whereas the Oxford jab has had more than three times the amount, with 762,706 adverse reactions being reported up the 23rd June 2021. There have also been 18,548 adverse reactions to the Moderna vaccine, and 2,595 adverse reactions where the brand of vaccine was not specified. This means the total number of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines has now surpassed the one million mark in the United Kingdom, now standing at a total of 1,007,253.
SHOCKING! – Number of Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines surpasses One Million according to UK Gov.’s 22nd update, Tapnewswire, July 1, 2021
No surprise, it's Brendon to blow the bullshit apart. Repented.
Actually, it was post-NY, and 1981-4.
Michael McCaffrey, RT, July 1, 2021; The two most common side-effects of desperation and ambition are hypocrisy and a recurring blind eye turned toward what could stifle your ambition and agitate your desperation. As Orwell once wrote, “To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,” and the reality is that being able to see the truth and actually admit it to yourself in real time is extremely difficult when your livelihood or emotional wellbeing depends on you not seeing it.
The Great Reset of Food | What’s Really At Stake
Mark Moss covers a broad sweep and the manipulations going on. Thirty minutes, and for me, confirms, the pressure on farmers. The Great Squeeze. Now, it's push-back time.
...'Dustmen', have had their hours extended for a minimal pay increase. The union negotiated for a pay rise from Serco (Employer). Not something the workers wanted. Starting at 6.30 am and finishing at 1 pm Mon. to Thurs., and midday on Friday. Now they work until 3 pm every day.
The union pushed Serco, who went on to use health and safety (issues), to get their way.
The disruption to two parents working and child-care or school runs is immense. WHAT idiocy, and told it was a mouthy and greedy person who set the local branch on to eleven hours extra work a week. Not, 'overtime', and so the wage increase didn't come close to compensate.
Someone being mouthy and pushy on behalf of a group? No, not, on behalf, but in playing the political mover, and getting.... shaken-down.
Paul Craig Roberts: As I wrote some time ago, the “Covid pandemic” was merely a deception. Now we see its purpose: Pseudopandemic
OFF-GUARDIAN June 30, 2021
The weekend of 26-27th June brought traffic in central London to a complete standstill. Two massive protests took place: Saturday’s Freedom March and Sunday’s Music Industry’s Freedom to Dance event. It is impossible to give precise numbers. The estimates from fellow Saturday marchers range from 500,000 to 2 million, with the Sunday rave drawing similar crowds.
[ ... ]
Part of an entirely separate protest by the music industry, Save Our Scene, that took place the following day, was a large rave lorry, parked next to Vue Cinema with the side facing the road completely open revealing a DJ set. The festival atmosphere was irresistible even for the oldest protestors who, like many others, joined in the pop-up rave in the street and danced for a while before moving on towards Waterloo Place.
London’s Freedom Weekend Joanna Sharp
It is easy to forget, given the last 16 months, that people have been bitterly divided, and inhabiting mutually-exclusive realities, and regarding people who don’t conform to their realities as enemies for the last five years. I’m not talking about political disagreements, or even socio-cultural differences. I’m talking about contradictory realities.
Things that actually happened, or didn’t happen. Things that exist, or do not exist.
The War on Reality, CJ Hopkins
The UK Parliament Education committee has produced a report on left-behind white pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds entitled:
The forgotten: how White working-class pupils have been let down, and how to change it
It’s about time, you may say, that as everyone parades their genetics as a reason for special favours, poor whites should get their belated moment of attention.
Poor White Kids Left Behind, Parliament Says, James Thompson, The Unz, July 1, 2021
George Mc, comments,
The aforementioned contradiction (increasingly obvious bullshit story backed up by increasingly violent enforcement) will become more pronounced and it makes perfect sense. The more people there are who cotton on, the more the media has to scream horror. And here is the real issue: the most impressionable of the public who are hyperventilating over fear of covid will experience a kind of inner transferal whereby the fear of the bogus virus will switch over to fear of the goon squads enforcing the repression – but all this will be itself repressed. That inner voice of suspicion that covid is shit will become increasingly uncomfortable and demand increasing smothering.