The Sickness And Relief
One reason to sing and make an emotional fuss about God is this reflects unseen realities. The somewhat hidden us and what we're made for. About who God is and how we relate. As much for us and the truth manifest, as something God desires.
And what's God like? One answer: Jesus.
What happens -- and will -- when meeting? The love shock and recognition of who made us and cares. Connecting and parent-like, yet altogether ...other.
Our surprising lover and seeker of friends. For acceptance, aka forgiveness.
How much? All seen and managed, through Christ crucified.
Can be our adoration and amazement beyond the capacity to imagine. While some... many, will run from -- and resist. Not managing to embrace and the unimaginable splendour destroys.
Where will this happen? Call them heavens but for a renewed on this earth.
Back to the sing-a-long and standing in rows and rooms. Social and cultural seems preposterous activity to the unaccustomed. Everything anti-life. Unless Bach etc. or best of Black Gospel music. Other exceptions but not hip or understood. Understandable.
There are caveats. God can and would say, 'stop this noise and ceremony' if justice absent. Stop bringing these meaningless offerings. Not all the jamboree and hand-swinging is equal. About integrity, authenticity and heart. About letting God get to grips with us. About open and sift redundant traditions with reason and scripture.
Add to this, can appear wacky and dodgy sorts at it. The double whammy; coming across proud to be doing this, in a certain show-off way to outsiders.
Believers who come across with insecure malice at those with opposing views. 'Guarding the truth' types. Less grace more irritation and calling anyone talking about the Bible different-wise "dangerous".
What? The Christian Church is a tangled mess of its own making. Few and far between growing, unless with heavy social bias and why. Sadly.
Here's what:
We suffer from the sickness and relief is God... and, here's the alt. version: we suffer from pride and relief is humility.
Jesus said; true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.
Modern, most often, Charismatic stuff, is revolutionary. Most wouldn't choose to witness. Listen or watch. While many and near-all, baggage-d up with every reason to remain outside from.
Yet... there is something to sung-worship, whatever the music and form. Something, that can convict. Bright light, love, reveal -- see Jesus.
If only would combine with the truth about this world and theology that asserts God for good. Here and now. In the face of the constructed lies that abound. Our living in a faked-up manufactured reality. And this matters to God because is the lock-up the keeps the Church ceased up and declining.
Look and see the Aangirfan post commenting on the families, behind the cabals, behind the... that they, 'think of themselves as something and not'.
This we all do. Can. Too much so. And then... -- ohh how we need this over all other -- the Spirit of God came. Comes to relieve self-esteem.