The Resurrection of German Totalitarianism
THE..., F. word? For me, (the word) the truth, to keep my attention upon. Type later/ tonight; on the Wisdom of Mike. PLUS: Find something from CJ's interview, a rap, to ...'scoop.
Had no idea, (about Mike). Something special.
How many were encouraged and did a whole lotta changing-up and releasing the bullshit?
Everything about the talk, talker, and atmosphere —blew, rewinds and blows me, away. Muslim to an atheist, could have shared the revelation and push. The Child-like, but Lion, Tyson, is a fighter in the sport, and now, in love talk. Target, flow, punches, the ring. With talking and imparting, (on one interview): He a Champ. A TKO and the heart of a matter: Forgiveness.
How do we rate? Thinking inter-personal/s, and lost touch with friends or fam; and, the worst hating (?), and toward..., ourselves; Past, bad deeds; Betrayal; and all that debilitating crap.
Or?/and, back to the N. word?
/'Nihilism Plus', Father Brown, and Sheldrake., January 29, 2021
CJ's plea stands: Lose the Vax 'n Facts line, talk about One thing and a tricky to pronounce, T., word.
The opening part allows one fed-up NY'er to bring the heartfelt reality. A Leftie, (or/but, not a Rightie), who can't abide today's revised meaning for Liberal.
Posted a bunch of text-based links and remind me of the largest of NYC gentrification and the old, out and; all new.
For Clifton Duncan, a two-year obliteration.
He, gone.
Leaving 1/1/85, after three and a half years, word came from my once home and the same as Clifton, except its City-wide.
The early 80s? Downtown, was, all, that mattered. Bubble life, and bout all, we met, or knew. The all, that allowed the likes of me, to get in. The last influx, into, Old, Manhattan.
Downtown, and the world of the Lower Eastside.
Do I have to keep writing?
All I'd like is whosoever reading, watch the ultra-revealing, CJ, and Clifton.
NY Stories, and all-connected up, with that wee adventure.
My heart grieves but hope rises.
/Twenty Two, December 27, 2021
@Truthscoop, and been, Gab'n.
Lionel Nation
CJ Hopkins carries a wide set of fans into authentic depths, with about the widest of respect from the Unz and Off-Guardian crowds. If Neil Oliver led with the monologues for our day, CJ is the writer. It's a joy to see and hear good power and clarity, carried into chatting. Brings a 'quiet confidence', and gentle authority. This leads to relaxed, and considerate, openness.
While naming and claiming; Patrick Henningsen delivers the 'preach' with conviction. Take this on the first talk he gave, in Totnes, Devon.
'Organised Religion'?
Chris takes aim, and roots' ALL, the trouble is?
That'll be the God Squad, and my ting, reckoned, co-idiots (?) with zealous, Mussie-men...
The rot, the Lot, who Believe...?
Ought to add a decent perspective? Boyd, do.
Planting on why I Don't for a min., believe in the image and ideas about God, Chris (and the New A.'s) do. All ...zealous, and, agenda limit/s. Be fine, and better with Ch. Reps., who might rattle the assumptions, and cause re-think's?
2019/20 and a 'religious' revival. TV, mags, rags and capital B. Billions and proselytise. A couldn't be more reverse and upside-down of a Christian's good news.
MUST be stopped. Non-sense.
Into unravelling our relational, social and nature-based life. To break ye down, criminal activity unto separation. Be Unforgiven, and shameful. They want, we all, Go..., Nihilist.
Mission C-19 is a youth project. The younger the prey, their hate-est desire and attempt to steal/ kill/ destroy.
Communicator Chris is the rewind and gets it down fast. Crystal clear, sound, reasoning.
Vital History, to Establish the Reason we're in, For the Fight, for All our Tomorrow's
Lights on that banner, eh.
Already, seen a quote he used, again. The newsletter from (m'beloved), Free Speech Union.
If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
We are not “vaccine hesitant” or “anti-vax” or “Covid-denying conspiracy theorists.” We are millions of regular working-class people, people with principles, who value freedom, who are not prepared to go gently into the globalized, pathologized-totalitarian night. We no longer give the slightest shit whether our former friends and family members who have gone New Normal understand what this is. We do. We understand exactly what this is. It is a nascent form of totalitarianism, and we intend to kill it — or at least critically wound it — before it matures into a full-grown behemoth.