That's What I'm Gonna Do 2.
'In a world full of sheep, I'm standing with lions.' (AsiteMusic) Pt 3. Mon.
The F. Word. (For Pt. 3)
The FAMILY and Mum/Dads/ Bros./Sis., etc. is, what, we are. The re-making by idealogues without common sense must be un-masked and deterred from their self and socially destructive ways. (?) [Not sure, what that says, what does have something good to tell?]
Plans for the Ska Post to go PAS but will kick back here/ Off Tue-Fri./ Make the Ska post the first and on Truthscoop.
The Horrifying Rise Of Total Mass Media Blackouts On Inconvenient News Stories, Caitlin Johnstone, July 4, 2021
Almost Independence Day
I Turned The Television Off
Smashes It
Sunday Research/ Input
Jay Dyer speaks for conviction, and crystal clear about the comprehensive hippie backstory. Can't think where in fourteen minutes, you could grasp and fast-track through, so vast a swath of alternative or conspiracy-type considerations? Almost a sum up, yet reckon on certain speculations and other angles. What's it matter?
Unacquainted? Take the version he's unpacking. Questioning the overall thesis is fine, but with what...?
On to the 60s, and most of what Jay says isn't disputable but the rest is a mixture for me. None of it is without merit and am open to changing my mind in parts where am not convinced.
To read my convoluted efforts in line with Jay is cumbersome. Get on Jay?
A refresher for me, a life-changing and repentant-based crisis, if the information is new?
The Old Man (Vernon Coleman)
Get Matt and critique of concerns, and what could be negative, overall, and viewers. Well he did/does, me, good and stirs up. Not paid too close attention, or watched him before but saw the one ref., Hell, and found the tone bracing and compassionate. You could argue he helps relieve and not depress, in challenging the false expectations people hold.