Thank-You Not Please
Lenin's 'best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves'. Never been more crucial and destructive than among so-called 'faith teaching'. The antidote to the only true threat to evil. Because -- how can we wiggle out the outrageous claims of Christ? Oh, I know, say all is foreknown, then and at best, struggle to include genuine free-will and make any changes. Baseline stumbling-blocks.
Shake off these particular theological-infecting demons and who's there? 'Progressives'? Mild and reasonable ones. And thank-God, produce much-needed sense but as asleep about the world, as they are, well... what's it matter? Live like it's 1972. WHAT'S-WHAT- Matter? Read to write to prophesy.
/Express and pray-as-do. Try to be more precise and proclaim the right talk. Unto other realms and standing in the blood and holiness. Give up 'communicating' to imaginary reader/s, be as oblique and peculiar as. So saith...
About Faith. The worst are the scam merchants whipping up a frenzy clobbering credibility. Through to well-meaning ones but on me-me-me. And those in the US in their beloved-in and can be understandable, are too often in clouds and cuckoo land.
Poncing about perversion preacher shows. The yeast that screws. Having said this, it's convenient. Saves so much heartache and find-anguish about F A I T H for the 'rest'. Discouragement to believe-for. Reorientate to resign ourselves to the explosive mess and must be.
Aristotle said that; 'It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it'. Sum-up word for the masses. Ability and willingness to 'entertain a thought' such as, say; '...Israel did it'. An example, confirmed in all its clarity sanctioning-Sizer. To 'consider', now close to a crime.
Stubborn as can be. That's us.
To the message: Stop trying to 'help God', when believing is what's required. Sometimes "thank you" not please, is in order. Bend the temperamental desire to rely otherwise upon. We have not, because never desperate, wider than personal stuff or family etc. Being awake has nothing to offer in knowing increasing volumes on conspiratorial deceptions.
'We called you came'-- this is what God's calling us to know.
Can confuse and God wants faith. Is what it is. In some ways, careful talk is the key. The Blood of Jesus and The Power of God present and in a continual application.
Done with crowds. Write to one -- and read back, which might build me up.