I like New York in June. How about you?
My Best Content
Two voices in a relative wilderness. At least among the well written. Both would appeal to Identitarians (nation-building on racial lines). The no-go camp for discussion by the "rest of us" with our all-but, those-views and ideologies. Albeit to slam and dismiss.
Truthscoop/No Surprises, July 23, 2018
Archbishop Viganò
UK data shows the vaccines are NOT saving any lives at all. Zero. Zip. Nada.
Aim to re-cap, and rewind, clips and bits from the 'Chlorine Dioxide' post.
To isolate for positive, solitary, reasons, and; in-person, local, social action. Silence (from), the screen-driven mayhem. Compadre, in collective prepping and mutual aid.
Letter to a Tyrant, Margaret Anna Alice, Off-Guardian, November 21, 2021
Science/ History/ Psychology/ News/ Television/ Theology
Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage? /New hypothesis proposed
Truthscoop/Catholic Teenagers From Kentucky, (January 24, 2019)
Watch 'The View's' Joy Behar Lose It When Faced with COVID Facts
Josephus Fatalism and Open Theism
Biden is highly likely vaccine injured; Newsom is DEFINITELY vaccine injured
Peripheral neuropathy is extremely common after vaccination (an estimated 80% of vax injured have it), and the timing lines up perfectly. His doctors have ruled out every other cause.