Prophecy Saturdays
Twitting was not my thang but assistance took me over the line and, ice broken, I’m now a twit. In thinking about women. Decided after someone kicked TS off with some ‘Follows’ to go-on choosing women, and respectable followers. Twit strikes me, how small the awoke alt. world is. Maybe it was, larger, but they’ve twitted off? Brings me to today’s new regular feature post:..
Prophecy ... Saturdays
God willing written on the day: Hear what can in the morn, tap it up on the pm. The rest of the week, PaS posts shifts to seed-ey declarations, rather than trying to work out God - for me... and y’all. Or what ever else these posts been/could be. If God-sussing talk, it’ll be in on Saturday. Keen to keep Truthscoop not smelling of pews, therefore these romp-arounds, might get lengthy.
Should include one hot pickin’ quote (e.g.):
‘The Church of England has produced a lot of good men and women, but very few great ones. It is in its modest, cautious nature that it should be so. Greatness requires a lonely, single-minded strength that does not sit easily with Anglicanism’s gentle compromise.’
And whatever other bits and one-bobs come on the reg. agenda. Use sections to steer direction - plus d’usual splatter like norm.
“What are we-gonna do nooow...”
1 2 3 4
Bob Chapman died June 2012, I was going to say without much of a public to-do, but looking over his guest-book/obituary the touch he had, is still being felt. Understated (underrated) Bob, had a very-special, human touch.
Some months before he died, he joined others in the wide-alt-expectation, (eventually non-alts began to concede along); that precious metals were soon hike-up out the manipulation, as economic over-heating boiled over.
Bob’s gentle, gritty, teaching, was substance-rich in demonstrating why the signs abounded. He reckoned up, compassionately warning, the next stage for about 2013. Due to illness, we lost his last few months commentary but humility to admit his miscalculation would’ve been a breeze.
Always broad-thinking but judicially measured. From relevant tracks longer than the pack, his record in ‘forecasting’ earned him the tag.
I thought of him this week, because once in passing, mentioned was a family friend of the Le Pens. In trying to get more suss on Madam M L P (and Don T), his voice, regardless of admitting bias, is a miss.
Smarty pants left and so-called liberal are in a sound calm, seething... frenzy. Blanket assessments, “that lot all-obviously, Right-scum-leaders” - threatening tomorrow.
All the young smugly dudes and old cynical lost, suffering in realities weight: On runaway...
In all this I’m harking for rattling sounds. Bone makers. By way of prophesying our urgent necessity. And by way of prayer and fasting. (Responders please).
God’s doing but aged in the right-places sages, are in short-supply. We need Bob for his tones. He was about the best of the best in rooting Alex J to bring out his... best. And me, little listener.
Other present contenders (keeping oldie enough)? Ron Paul of course, Celente is that, and you gotta jump to Paul Craig Roberts. Coming from a different stable than Bob, yet same ilk. Paul’s statesman-like writing and voice has the aforementioned sound, quiet defiant humour, with power-drill insight. With Gerald C, add NY-street upbringing.
All come with weeping, but regardless: Fight.
Latest screaming siren - War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It?
‘One lesson from military history is that once mobilization for war begins, it takes on a momentum of its own and is uncontrollable.
This might be what is occurring unrecognised before our eyes...’
We need the vast army that we are made to be. We need the Holy Spirit and angelic ones to come on the back of our calls and cries.
The word today (“...typing off in a mo/time spent enough”), was about me bouncing in opinions, trying to balance and get what I think are some middle-sight truths.
And it could be ‘too late to stop, once mobilization... begins'? Would be... but God.
We must meet the conditions for miraculous resurrection. Revival in the secret places. Which are? Like certain chemicals, reaction causing. ‘So above’ eh...
So... we have keys in our hand and signs to follow.
Also, having once met the singer Ian Shaw who’s mixing with celebs and Calais’ camps. I got consideration and kindness galore about 15 years ago.
Compare times, and circles are closing around again. Refugees, ok... migrants but was it ‘that’ different then? It was, in there were more, genuine cases of persecution application for status.
Any political misguide aside - but that goes with the mass - shouldn’t wrongly judge, rightly stirring compassion-action. Oh and ‘skid-rows’, once in-tolerated-out, are fully-back, news notes.
The can be blind miss-over-standing and inaccurate overreaction.
And as for claims streets in Muslim-predominant parts of the UK are significantly more dangerous: “Come walk with me...”
Theologians (in)considerations out the way, more next Sat:
Kefalh ‘head’ means source not authority/over. Miriam, Deborah, Huldah, Tabitha/Dorcas, Philip’s four daughters, Euodia, Syntyche, Phoebe. Priscilla and - as likely as not, sister - outstanding among the apostles - Junia. Female proclaimers are numerous.
It’s all about context, history and what we miss from today's perspective. This alone... Jesus said to her, "Will you give me a drink?"
Today's reading:
The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me to and fro among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, ‘Son of man, can these bones live?’
I said, ‘Sovereign Lord, you alone know.’
Then he said to me, ‘Prophesy to these bones and say to them, “Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”'
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.
Then he said to me, ‘Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.”’ So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet – a vast army.
Following on from something above, badly expressed.
Back to the turn of the century:
It was, as today, those battling across lands to reach safety. Disproportionally more people genuinely threatened with unusual persecution back-home. Who personally or because of family, in unjust -or- no recourse threats, of prison and worse. Countries nearer to them would prove little sanctuary for numerous reasons. For many others it was less intense back home, a mixture of this, and migration for something better. For some it was by and large aspirational.
Public temperature soon cooled and asylum seekers were quickly downgraded and lost the intensive support applying for status.
One consideration in those fleeing today, is they swamp - in the main - those, in the strictest modern definition, are ‘refugees. People living in often relatively, (I use this, knowing that’s easy for me to say), ‘safe places’.
I get the other kinds of refugees have come over but in-the-main, in our lifetimes.
Now it’s predominantly those - has to be said ‘claiming’ - are fleeing areas of armed conflict. And again, easy for us to say, “they should try closer to home”.
Although the question still remains - why is this, so not, possible?
As far as I’ve been led to understand, (and probably is well understood): Syrians - particularly - don’t want to leave, and that most we’re told coming ‘Syrians’ - are not.
And why, to whatever extent Syrians, this more recent influx?
Unless someone is a ‘no-border' believer, the ‘Jesus, and all good, welcome all in’ claim, is a developing misnomer. So we’re back to no-borders.
Jesus/God nowhere, instructs ‘no nations’. Therefore borders. Again, want to be an anarchist or a believer in benign global socialism? Fight your corner but don’t claim it’s God’s only set out way. The problem citing the Bible, is the silence on these socio-political questions.
‘Welcome the stranger, and neighbouring countries’ is about us - all - individually doing ‘for the least’. It’s not some over-arching political, social mandate. The emphasis Biblically, is personal responsibility and the position and influence we’re in. Or could attain.
For instance, individuals choosing to be a pacifist, is something for for their own conscience/relationship with God to decide, as is, taking up physical self-defence. God can be in both, or maybe is leading us to one or other. Different people, different, times. God is contextually present and active, and will not be railroaded to agree the same way, all the same time.
No church leader should speak to any Government and pretend they’re some OT prophet and give the thumbs up for military action. Utter nonsense, at least in this day, this world and that lot. As far as Syria, you don’t need the Bible or God to discern, we need to look at the details the press censor. No honest, decent person with this at hand, would do anything but not say “no” and throw themselves into fighting such a criminal con that’s happening.
One way or the other, Christians are told to give all to the poor. What we’re not told, is get behind the ceaser of the day and follow their track-record of calls, later found hollow calls, that care not. This isn’t better for the world, let alone any one nation.
‘Give to Ceaser’ the listeners to Jesus understood this. And it wasn’t bow, follow along. (Or incidentally was it about taxes). We stand in our western slippers, they stood in social and often literal chains.
‘Go throw yourself down...’ was the devil’s word. Jesus said, rise up and stand against every form evil and watch how it comes disingenuous and disguised as a god.
Want to suggest the current rulers mean peace by caring for the stranger in their policies and practices? Or tell your neighbours they must accept migrants until who knows when?
Go find a word from God and a proclamation that convicts, not pump unconditional theology for the government to force consent and adherence, all hiding behind ‘love and compassion’.
Actually, here’s a word: Unless someone is spending costly time and all the rest, meeting and serving those they are talking about, they have little authority to talk publicly (this includes the internet).
If pushing without making debate it's huddle-time and nay holy. Comments and phone-ins for those with audiences count but if not, go on the comments, phone-ins and make your point.
I entered social media this week, recently webbing as you can see. I’m not being all oh-so-superior, because for reasons (see my life) - but failing-enough has some fruits.
This last burst is specifically for the church lot:
“Come out” (stay in ya Sundays or intentional communities), but stop ‘bloggin’ and commenting amongst yourselves. Conferences, gatherings? Unless intercession and there the place for some worship.
Social action is the best of Church today. The rest is... 1,2,3,4. Lost in the supermarket.
I better stop, gonna start railing on n on n...
Last bit of the sermon. (“Anyone want to take the offering, chose a hymn?”):
As IF God says... Believe the telly, rags, bloggers all ‘welcoming everyone'. How about the people who feel the growing pain this experience appears to bring? Maybe go into ‘that’ part of town, (or visit amother location) and sup with them. Organise a public debate, discussion - do something - but ‘telling’ those opposing, to accept the social cost, coz Jesus says - is cowardly and lame.
Syria, in the early stages of the engineered from outside collapse, the church/their buildings, were used in collectively appreciated peacemaking discussions amongst the broadest religious and tribal diversity. A potential - and in many ways successful - reconciliation house.
That’s Jesus welcoming.
In the UK it’s all armchairs and political pundit-if-icating. I suppose if you’ve found this site you're already awake - and Christians... (accepting the few, few, few, few, and far between).
Christains are not where the action is. And refuse to be. Or submerge inaction in warped theology. Or... pride and fear.
I can also rap this with some degree of integrity, because I’m not a ‘welcomer’ or, necessarily a typical ‘door-shutter’. Certainly not a ‘Muslims are the problem in the UK-er’. Far from it. But the reason I say it:
Half-decent theology (standards aren’t high out there) and I’m AwAke.
Bit like gays and the church, blaming immigrants in the UK is a scapegoat.
Want to know a big part of the problem?
Telly type talk and isolation amongst peer-likes.
Truth has as way of getting through. Hence the Gospel needs but space and time.
God is asking for opportunity.
The ‘refugee question’ is about the second word and the lack of it.
Plenty of places to ask, argue and engage.
Try here if you like?