And those hating me see and are ashamed, For Thou, O Jehovah, hast helped me, Yea, Thou hast comforted me. Youngs goes on, from translating, what all but Wesley and one or two others put as show me... rather than make – me a sign.
Judgement is what we need. Now. Sooner than later. Judgement in this life is redemptive, buying time and space. Repentance, a change of mind, the preferred outcome.
There are two-ish kinds of Christians, in-fact this speaks wider but certainly theologically, there's, interventionists – those who believe God does, because we do and what happens, dependent. The 'make me a sign-ers'.
And predeterminists. Who can, and do, live like active activators with God, but have a rational basis for more 'show me' than make me.
Those (nb – 'ain't me babe'), scurrying about 'looking for signs of His coming' put judgement, as God being – obviously in their thinking – particularly 'in', some of the bad things happening. From earthquakes to terrorism. Floods to financial crashes. The notion we could see nations change their ways and see these averted. Their proviso; you cannot stop the ticking-clock to whichever Book of Revelation maps-us, they hold. But these 'signs' a warning of God's protest.
(nbx2: elements that might change a God/speaks assessment, about 'bad things' happening, are popularly unrecognised human elements. Natural or so-called terrorist activity, could be un-natural and synthetic, contrived by the supposed governers of the 'victims'. Reason why some might refuse to more closely investigate these 'sings of the times' for what they could be – because it doesn't so neatly validate God/judging/theology. If 'mad' Muslims and 'acts of God' suits, is evidence brushed aside to help the cause?)
For instance, we're going to see currency crashes. I'm surprised we've managed to avoid this up to now. If we faced through 'judgement' the reality why it'll happen, we perhaps could avoid. This becoming an ever-bigger ask, is now, virtually unimaginable. In 2008, the semblance of a realistic possibility, since then, moved way off in the distance. Those planning this world-wide disaster-times have had little dissent. Yet...
The top-floor ones who need to hate, are reliant on multitudes below who could seemingly face such goodness in judgement and become/be ashamed. It's reasonable to believe the whistle-blowing that states the opposition has significantly slowed the process down and is even attempting a turnaround. Therefore 'judgement' very much at work.
Similarly thermonuclear could have – but for inner-sanctum mutiny.
Wrapping-up. Timed, me. Less spent, so this, m'what.
Final Hymn.
Goodness is the judgement. Sifts out our badness. More good, more hated. And here we go – which way?
Love is what battles and bombards the enemies of our souls and bodies. Theoretical hope one and all can change-up and get love. But surveying finds, most-certainly U.K./U.S. probably similar E.U. could be world-over: Most/Too many/Lost. Adamant and all intent. Brave-new-world ready for pill and oblivion.
The want and do care-some. Still pumping with enough God-shaped humanity. Eyes not so wide-shut. Open to receive judgement. Voluntary, take-on-board. There be our hope. Billy Corgan prophesied this, so articulately, this week. He demonstrates a 'person of peace'. My eyes are somewhat outside the Church for the change-makers. Way it is. For God. Usual, graciously sign-ing through open ones. Seeks hearts, for good and bent toward. God cannot or does not resist. Works with all sorts of people and places, Evangelicals can tend to define, 'outside'.
And me and us-like. We named-ones. We're God's means to judge. If we turn-up the goodness to max. And in this the claim goes: Need God.
God be here now. Come now. Please. We can be like Jesus, you said. If we receive The Holy Spirit. By name, like JESUS – these sounds. Signs and symbols. We say “come Holy Spirit” and again. And another time. And you will. You said. You do. Thanks and Praise. So be… this my keep-calling.