A problem with believing God is believing in Love. And if God isn't loving: Who should care?
Feel loved? Think we know what 'love' is? Not sure I do but – if, God is….
And then, can we cope with L, any which way?
Seem an awkward prospect? Understandable confusion, might be anger, at what a world this is? And/or, what we – are?
Lucky ones who believe they've wholeheartedly got this preferential, ignited, companionship – “having a go defining...” – through and through with another, have much to struggle appreciating, or easily dealing with an/ – this, unseen competitor? One who asks we give all to… not half-hearted, either way.
And for lonely of love(-ers), the ambivalent or cynic… y'get the gist. There's much to stop our consideration that God is like this? Here at all? And present for us?
Often surmise, that not even guilt or unworthiness, (this would presuppose belief and conviction) – but not being right in ourselves, in choices and ways, is a 'meet-God, catch 22'. To know God's love requires an acceptance that changes us, changes everything. We don't fully/if at all, because we want to be right for this but…
I've known theory with some heart-living reality for long but cannot say accepted-deep. Therefore, God engineers away, to bring me, (and all who ask), to relatively recent places and times to receive not give so much but – accept.
God returns again and again to us, showing unstoppable kindness and warm intent. Hot in desire for our communion, connection – engagement.
God communing best suits detachment or perhaps danger and need? Needing God and knowing is there. Here…
The Book of Ruth is about love. The claiming of rights and – kindness. And more.
I'm not clear on a word from it and resist the mushy and sentimental as God's love but can only explain, it's way more so than this, not – other... (in one sense).
Hard to explain? Well, one for-sure: Gifted us, to love back to God and knowing love from.
Companionship, family, friendship and yes, romance, speak of God's wide world yet narrow and personal love. But all and all it's a given. God puts love, in – us. And a sense of abandonment. Abandoned to...
Book of Ruth we can read, like any Bible bits. Read in faith, as far as can, true – what follows, and chat-back to 'out there' who’s here – comes the rest. Whatever that/this... is – and it 'is' something, truly some-one – albeit, mostly imperceptible, follows faith and then, we 'know' so.
Bring us love. Bring us yourself. Be here.