Said To
Done an update on yesterday’s. Now bash a quicky for t’day. No More/NO MORE long timers. No matter how oblique and weird to a reader might come across. As if… readers. Ha.
Me-not get something from these posts, what’s the purpose? Basking in some illusionary fan base don’t do it and flowering away with the lingo. Bull….
Graphs come quicker ‘n quicker – now these must.
Jesus gives us authority over. There comes the next verses post ‘prophet unaccepted and faith-less-ness brings failure’ and the later-on teaching he began delivering all abouts. And goes take nothing…except a staff. Something needed. Would seem to be missing. Clothes (one set) and walking stick. Specifically, “don’t take money”.
Because of his background they took offence. Amazed but shouldn’t be. Hence prophet/no-honour.
Today, culture more than class, religion, race, sexuality ‘n all is the idol for discrimination. Feelings… not substance. For many esp. young, cool is all. And the need to look right and oh so relaxed. Another idol: Never-surprised. Take all in a stride and easy goes.
What to put down here?
In a one para and be done/publish.
Our faith is connected to what we’ll receive prophetically. Faith/the gift is something we receive, not whip up. And taking nothing but… And the space, add things-poverty, required for more. Faith.
Word(s) of God read and spoken works like seed while we sleep/grows. Bible open. So.. find verse/s, eat, eat and eat some more. Watch the diet. Consider carefully what you hear. Real careful. Feeds like the sun does or animals in a meadow do. Non-stop.
Then, like Jesus:
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves