Running With God
Take no.... A commanding plea from the creator. Active – not passive – requirements, for remarkable happenings. Somehow, don’t feed-on or speak out or think about, our coming need for food and clothing. No mention of shelter but hey, with God on miraculous manoeuvres, who knows what marvelous out-of-nowhere comes? Outrageous and unqualified. Unearned, while conditional, upon believing and following-after on God’s mission.
These verses will come into their own, once wider-relative to abject poverty is upon us. The West, not the best… any so more. Lush times, given way to a crash of civilisations.
In this, God has plans. Provision for an army in love. Prayer and warrior, the combo.
Repentant ‘normies’ knowing who does the terror. Having taken a leap in intelligence and with humble resignation, discern those using Brave New World, as an instruction manual. Heard George giving us the “only 3%” history lesson yesterday.
All the Horses and All the King’s men. Cannot beat…
George talks ‘common sense’ and with respect, yes, but most-mostly, need God-sense. Faith talk. Actually might have been on this barnstormer that he speaks of numbers. The few. Very, very…
God and me a… majority – talk.
Back to the verse and me-gone for t’day: Thoughts not to take, are primarily digitally driven. Written before, of the wrecking ball, called the internet. Wicked wonder. Damned overlord.
And need to hear the ones that don’t conflate; causation and correlation. And certainly not hearing my ol'self-nagging whine-up and “what if?”.
The words – we speak – inside, let alone out-loud, declare and determine. This is Jesus talk. We take which thoughts? Receive from where/what?
Take NO thoughts for MY life. In provision and somehow, circumstance dependent. The long emergency is almost upon the UK etc. Almost. Quake here, con goes on there. Heard Bill Holter say Jim Sinclair (...might as well accurately ref. And this, an interview by Greg Hunter), describes the economy, as ‘a hologram’. That’s apt. The illusion seems our reality, yet…
Come the crunch. No, “come the crunch” as a positive cry. We will see, the worst and best of. There are some in charge, who maybe don’t want to die before causing global chaos out of the resentment at their demise. Stanley Kubrick posited this as probably the Dr Strangelove danger. Get that but somehow our waiting, on hope for up-rise… isn’t working.
Back to boiling frogs. Water not quite heating up to shock us up. Despair at the deterioration of civility and the disconnect that surrounds. The social scamming… oh better stop.
The ‘what-not’ is easy insight. What is: Comes in 66 books through shouting, singing and in the silence.
Take no thought eh?
For… God wants other ways and means, to be among, and upon us.