Real Fake
A coarse hard-liner quip goes; 'if God doesn't do something soon in judgement and upon what's happening, will have to apologise to Sodom...'
Almost want, said to be our nation and allies -- take a hit, slap, something to wake up -or- is all showtime for the suckers? Are Russia and Israel behind the press conf. collaborating with the US/UK, in all and all, real fake world ordering?
No-doubt though serves to acclimatise the not, quite so sick and stupid, about world events. Wind-up absolute and sure, we understand the con, looks unstoppable. Assume Russia is under threat, commentary has to suggest their try for sanity is in vain. Makes foolish sense. Might be the emerging and resigned position, with last night's UN Russian Amb. salvo. One for the history books/this, if they continue to exist?
'We are not particularly keen to be friends with you (the west)….what we want from you is basically nothing…normal civilised relations, which you arrogantly refuse, disregarding basic courtesies. You are misguided if you think you have friends. The so-called friends of yours are only those who cannot say no to you. This is the soul criteria for friendship in your understanding.'
Of course, who and few, care? Symptoms of demons. Runs; No matter/not much will happen/we're doomed. And; The think/know what's what-ers. Political prejudices, mainstream moulded and blinker's tight.
Must do what must practical and/plus; get off this machine. The difficulty is the intoxicating junior-school pretending. A smog pervading. Sick, and for making us so. This, and proud women and men strutting about on TV etc. The most sickos, those appearing in 'charge' of the Anglo-alliance.
YES -- the answer's staying off all headlines. Off the net in all but... and yet, circumstances dictate have sometimes, to sit in the room with the idiot box on. The BBC lies... completely misrepresents, slants about, implies falsehoods and unashamed and... Bent. Out of whack. A nasty operation. At least the other like-propagandists, don't have quite the same, smug self-assurance.
For months would never visit online any news. RT to Drudge -- what have you. Since the weekend, back. Not healthy.
Must go/do what must/get offline and stay off 'till tea, minus any work-stuff.
Ray McGovern said this past day or so that; Trump is the most dangerous (bad) president of all time. This as true and in what ability to 'act' he has. But the real most-dangerous is the reliance on online moaning media. To think is having any more say-so, than puppet T.
Why not? Participation low-low-low. This and not anyway a full-on sheep. Will the depletion of a resistant talking internet bear new benefits? In the desperation of these twilight times, only two big happenings in alt. media: Censorship/platform shut ye downs and the in-fighting breaking out in spades. Feeling sick about, pass it on, pass it on -- project on to... "them".
So here be this post and note to m'self. Get off and get on. Get the word up, mouth open and do not rely on 'princess or horses'.