On... a late one. Thus complete - later ronnie.
What's been in my heart, more-oft 'not of God'.
Rightful restraint? Instead, regret. Of not moving-on and forward when should – regret. A retrospective check and balance on my going and doing was 'good'– easy.
Not God going, “nah, nah...” but my heart knowing so. Tells me.What I can write is; God is ever-moving, all available, to move us, toward knowing, more truth. Knowing God here. Now. And – to and for, all justice in the light warriors – battling for a better world.
A little too often than should: I reiterate said Plant's aims. Somewhere, Top 5, is help those who don't believe in God/Jesus not, not-believing, what isn't Jesus anyway. Pre-contemplation considerations.
Here's one for the files: God isn't a micro-manager. For those on the team. Intensively present and active. Not 'on'? – God only wants to be known for who God is and not a warped and misunderstood caricature.
The over-riding, under-pinning, inner-weaving, interlocking, what is: God loves us. What about the worst behaving – let's think 'destroy multitudes' people? God love them?
As far can be discerned but… God loves them – if 'them' the case – in only potential. What they could've been. In somehow not hating but… loving that rises up in roaring righteous anger. To have to defeat.
If the only change… Bible word: repent.
But the love God does, wants them thoroughly caught and stopped. Their crimes must be constrained and God will do all can, for this to happen. God will work with all can and involved in this quest. Not only through, and with prayer-ers (main work), but any not-believers, that seek justice and light.
Similarly we're on our way to dying. God wants not. Not a second one. This could-be destruction, an inevitable post-first-death encounter with the radiance that is God. Jesus covers this but leaves how this finally bears out for those refusing, or unknowingly not changing their mind, and receiving the answer.
I'm an open hopeful but an evangelist on the edge.
Don't fathom as much as God would have me – how works.
Leave it there. Feels weird writing past 8am-ish. Darn late-up.
Must start upping these posts. Get something from God.
Peace and hap.