Observation No Crime
For Compadre's BM + A3. Soon-as a bag of mon. going for top membership and 21Wire. Patrick's the top preacher, on the... world we live.
And, "BRAHMS THIRD, RACKET", and 'A Touch Of Class'. The first of the GREATEST TV Comedies, (and in two series), —EVER.
Sixteen minutes in, into an historic, (yet, again), monologue. Patrick makes a remark on morality. Jorge is the evidence.
Uncovering secrets is apocalyptic in the simple sense (the Greek root means ‘an uncovering’). In this case, it lifts the shame covers. It allows articulation to enter where silence once ruled.
Lewis Hyde, Trickster Makes This World: Mischief, Myth and Art, (2010).
Bonus Ball
The Establishment Refuses to Allow You to Be Informed about Covid or Anything Else
The Panic Pandemic: How Media Fearmongering Led to ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship of Scientific Research
A Letter to the Unvaccinated—Stay That Way
Twitter Suspends Journalist Who Repeated CDC Fact on Vaccines
Thanks to Paul Craig Roberts. One/ Two.
The Manufacturing of Mass Psychosis: Can Sanity Return to an Insane World? 21 Wire, August 7, 2021
Jab Wars.
Storm is coming in the Fall?
[Thanks to Gordan, on Tapnewswire]
Aside from, the issue?
Voted local and Green last month. First-time voter, in a local, or national election. Not a Greenie as in the 2020s new-updated Big Business version. A sea/tree-change of thinking in thirty years.
According to contemporary old-timers, about half the Green Party don't think, WE HAVE A FUTURE.
While The Green's in the 90s were questioning everything for health and truth, including, so-called, Vaccines. Meeting I attended in a Green Party Candidate's home, was filmed for a BBC 2 broadcast, and featured Andrew Wakefield and his first public outing.
'Permaculture' was about and for, all people, ground-up, and into genuine progressive, enterprise.
Today it's the lost/ dead/ children inside, and someone looking like an adult.
/How Bill Johnson Deals With His Critics, June 01, 2021
...into looking (back) at 1990s Grass-Roots Environmentalism -and- Materialism; Communitarianism -and- Business; Christianity -and- 'Agenda 21', and yep, reckoning it's all about Pound Notes, over People.
What are the differences in say, The Green Party today, and people's attitudes and activities? The design course, Permaculture and how the re-defined tag, Progressive/s, is a hotchpotch of lies and self-deceptions?
Accepting there are debates about the natural world, and, ...pathological avoidance. Caroline Lucas (Green Party, UK) is on my side, and 'Fracking', appreciating overall it depends on our costs/benefits analysis. Yet, scrubbed from the internet is Caroline running away, and fast, from a reporter asking her thoughts on Geo-engineering. The State-Actor scampers to safety.
The loss of true and honest environmentalists inside The Green Party, came about through Fracking, and because of new information on Geo-engineering. The meeting between Truthers, (dubbed, 'Conspiracy Theorist'), and Greenies, (Green Party types, and like), caused significant numbers to turn from the 'party line'. The 2000s was the Wake-Up decade, and by the 2010s a convergence occurred when truthers/truth-talk, became a currency within Greens' marches and meetings.
A tactic was a 'Geo-Engineering/Chemtrails/Wi-Fi/Mobile Phones' Banner. Beneath it, a gal stood handing out leaflets. A long-termer and sound Greenie, full-credentials on the Earth-Lover front. It could be a Green Party March or any central London thoroughfare, to whomsoever passes is challenged and shifted in thinking. Brave and honest ones, the HUMBLE enough: Repent. The battle for truth inside the Green Party bubbles away; a few hang on, and for their local group, continue to remain members.
Sitch & Adam Clips' Leftists don't have FRIENDS?, unearths the befuddled thinking and bias in relationship-making. The clique's, the Central Committee, and the con. Nine minutes in Sargon, has it in one.
Obama Did NOT Kill Osama bin Laden