Now Not When
Something about the Bible. The way the words engage with us. God, through and with them. They claim about themselves special substance and weight but how and why?
The uniqueness of Christ and the primacy of the Bible, are claims that provoke opposition. How about the words themselves. Translated from -- yet? Info with poetics -- that it?
They convey what God wants to say, with all and any human influence. Argued, this leaves holes, in being 'God's' Word. Of course, more perfect examples of who God is. The one who lives alongside and among, who made all with risk and freedoms.
Choruses sung. They can have a holy gravitas, so can the word read. All depends though. What's going on with singers or reader? Somehow though, the word has something going for, that carries its own dynamism. A seed within. Life within. A seed itself.
The injunction; there are three actions that produce, what matters most.
...on the good ground have been sown: who do hear the word, and receive, and do bear fruit...
Could be instructional. Message understood. This the purpose. Much of what we hear, is about our responsibility. Our increased awareness. The sum of its parts.
More so? Now much otherwise, be thee, these words?
The illustration, again, for reductive interpretations or expansive and more remarkable and seem-outlandish.
For now, not when and all about the reaping part from a life of sowing. This my scampering through contention.
Encouragement to perpetual -- far as -- sow. To look at the web of contemporary mysteries and have this word-alive make sense of.
There are some things we know, some not. Some don't but might. On this investigation, know aren't hearing much about and so need revelation.
Where more need to be going re Plant a Seed. Discovery. Yep, other ways but got to try find what God saying to me -- about the connections and causes.
Spend the day more-sowing as go. Got work/meet and can't so. But even then. Obsessive and intensive meditation and prayer. Got to be all that matters most.
Wonder how we can move from being centre, to God being... this a need. And proclaim here and live out, a new-new way. An old Bible way. Reckon got we got a lotta sidetrack going on.
Oh for a song. Found: I Love Your Presence + Come on In
(As for NASA (see vid, and see say this) -- tut tut. Oh the sign. What are we like?)
God be all over and through me/the word unleashed/electric/transformer/you have mountains to move/let me not slouch/you've said/enough/and the opposition is defeated/but for your word and power though me/war rages and yet the guise of normality deflects/the past and future and not my concern/now and today is for sowing/you are our fulfilling warrior/God in and around/you have my attention/grace sufficient/power in weakness because in you
Ok, this a note. Put it out there. Push the wild indulge. The need to be public and spit. While there's talk of both from God: Keep to yourself and us -and- tell all. Rooftop and shout. When and when?
The word and what of ? Easier to understand, the fake try-copy. For this is manifest in the global deceptions. From ball or not to changing history, through to manufactured terror, it's all a war to discuss. We must remain in a war, not peace. Not open communication and humble discovery. The place God is aiming for peace enough. Here and now, so we can discover, he's here. The enemy has power enough to keep us from ourselves and one another. More than a necessity. It's worship. One thing that remains outside Christ in us. A remnant and depleting empathy or compassion. To be more concerned that we are vs. they are. This the trajectory. They/forces with personality -- need us to hate. So to the word. It's what can save us from self and other hate. Without food, we'd eat each other. With God there are alternatives. We live by the word and few-few aware. The word is the antidote in one concentrated history book. The cadence and rhythms speak deeper than our conscious understanding. As for the other, beyond? In us and sown - ginormous. There's only one way to know: