Need God.
Yesterday, miswrote here; ‘When moving toward or further from God - beyond or within his overarching gracing-care presence - the default dynamic.’ In that a question mark, should proceed my grasping what’s; ‘beyond or within...’ I’m not suggesting I know how grace operates, speculating realms and reach. It was only - as if needs to be written - qualifying; ‘how-ever this/God works?’
Need God. Know that.
‘Back to laying hands on ourselves’... another from yesterday. This could imply, my central thoughts, are about prayerful, self-directed, ‘deliverance’? Not so at least, not in line with what I was/am, on about. But hey, not a such a goofy activity. Self-anointing with oil etc.
What's curious(ing) me is prophetic acts and symbolic actions, and their why and what-for?
Why does God engineer remarkable ‘signs’? Coincidences, I cannot always, believe. Appreciate these ‘happen’ for those without a jot for God. Or something, seems to be happening? Maybe, abstract and arbitrary?. But anyone who knows/anything of God recognises these ‘occasionals’, dependent on us moving this or that way, stretch ‘explainable otherwise’. Which ever-way you push it.
Yet, what is, going on? I’m on a searching contention, around connections involving God moving... doing... something - over and above our receiving any messages. More than faith building and love sharing or personal directions. With a question: How to collaborate and, make the most?
But of what?
Busting to, here’s my what so far: Ideas that actions, with less or no literal communication, somehow to speak to the/unseen. This being - like/as in prayer - activity some-things, that give God space and place to... do.
Achieve, bring, call, awake, assert, gather, mould, love-strike - and save.
Save peoples and nations / populate ‘new’ churches.
Following-Jesus is wildly unpopular. Media led sophisticated socio-cultural onslaught, sets out to de-evangelise. A need to prepare the enemies way and complete the mind-control. With as many as can. Purpose? To welcome and call for death, our deaths - and moreover, worship these globalist killers. More accurately, those behind posh-minions. And/or the entities behind these most-deceived, and dangerous, few.
Countering: Political-in-sight, moving God-wants-resistance, to care and speak up. All the while, the other tide, deeply embedding mass-others into stubborn, deeper, sleep.
So we can be sure what, God doing, is for.
How though, does (my) taking a picture - one e.g. - and texting, putting it online to negligible numbers to view, matter? Or some of the words I type? Or how about, more material-based rituals? Symbolic acts? In and while reading verses, singing, praying and prophecying out? In private and public places. Outdoors. Specific locations.
There’s something about being free from all that binds personally? That too. Wider ‘acts’ in what we're ‘connected’ to, what we ‘touch’?
Ohsy well. On with pray and do. Ponder some, but... do.
End on two:
...we hear them declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues. Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, ‘What does this mean?’
For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say...