Image will do. Tonight. On a book review for TS. The author a theologian. Some ways, miles apart from me but wide awake, so in this Theo-priority – not. What is a thought:
Only massive failure makes you best-ready to be able to best-stand, intellectual opposition. To be ruled, potentially, by a new-view. To sit with. Or stand and jostle.
Repentance, a change of mind, the one qualification for Jesus-following. Perhaps it's not necessary to be... so-failed up/or down – but sure helps.
Truth is what needs to rule 'n reign and this, in grace and kindness, very-God-like.
What I'm dragging in here, is I count my being wrong, so often and so much as 'why' a-certain confidence, in dealing with competing truth-claims to ones I hold.
People often preface what they'll say, knowing my Jesus-love, with; “I hope this doesn't offend you but...” When I'm battered-up strong and it's me who has to be oh-so careful not to offend, at least in being wisely conciliatory.
Be at peace… as far as… (This second part requires some grace with God's power. But persecution… Jesus cannot help this. The mere mention… for many, or most, where I swim).
(Increasingly) write, as an act of prophetics – which I barely understand why-for? I write, to re-imagine God, who is. And for those who read to take an interest in God's reign. I write, that someone who 'believes' already, would like to take something here and pray… prophecy – outreach with their own seed-gathering.
I write and do images because, for reasons somewhat unbeknown – it's reigning right and God is…
God that'll do. I/we pray for this. For more “that'll do”. You. What ever you would have us do. We/I call to know more what than why do. But thank you for all the revelation you insist on prompting and signing us with. We ask for signs to know. And ways of help to go. Do. Be. Faith.
Thank you. O God, our Love