Mood To Exclaim
More like mood to jabba on. Into the air and onto this thingamajig. Hate the sense am trying to show-off . Relieved come to care-not. Typing away could be judgmental and lowly about. Easy run whole enterprise down. As the TS bio says; 'Utterly self indulgent and wildly unpopular'. Somewhat grateful don't believe there's many/any readers. Certainly little compulsion to get crowd conscious. Could reflect on and embarrassed but know newbies will scarper.
Moving on:
'Taken' -- what? In this and Psalm 71's case, begins with '...refuge'. We take the space and place and get in and covered. In from the out and without. Dwelling in God and most pertinently words about. The ones specifically delivered Gen to Rev.
Pages open at this Psalm and in wanting to make myself eat, typing along, helpful accompaniment. Getting the word in ain't no doddle. Find listening to an 'audible' i.e. 'Max on the NIV version' an ally. Seeding away in the background or imprinting and vol. up. Although silence a prerequisite to writing.
Re-stating the purpose; Speak and type into the unseen which can and may move through prayer and prophecy. Sometimes going on to should, not without struggle, believe -- will. This definite asking is all too rare and me, a sign of an under-developed prayer life. Signs otherwise would demonstrate a finally get somewhere build up.
Foremost and one aim: God present and active. In respects with communicating and the unseen engagement in this material world. There's no need to know more than this. Entities, angels, good, bad and who knows otherwise -- not my ish. All I know is God says God works for mankind and the purposes of God's realm and heart through prayer. And prayer is in its broadest, all and any God-attending direction. Looking unto, groaning and reaching out to, for starters
One mistake is go too down the blessed contemplative line, making it all about the abstract. Too-Zen and later-day Merton comes to mind. Here's a horrible overstatement: Prayer doesn't change anything but ourselves. Blind bunkum. What Jesus says about prayer begins with explaining what it is. About something happening. A dead man rising, an impossible possible, wrestling and liberation, dark go and light, captives released, physical locks click open, maybe mercy, trials ease/burden lift and demons into pigs. Off the top of m'head and could rattle on 'n on examples. New Testament, church history, to ones closer to home.
Burdens come mind. Know my scrappy living has been a prayerful shambles but least got rock solid theory. Allowing for reasonable openness in the abundance of mystery. And oh that I'd know some God given burden. Complacency shattering morbid self-obsessioning. Get moved by God. That be the stuff. The right kind.
Is moved. Wind blows the trees, so words with the wind or breath of God... the fire, light and so on, changes... How? Hard to quantify and examine. Most often, happenings that manifest, are in could-be circumstantial surprises and the unexpected. Could be..? See how mostly-likely or possibly not, therefore we must interpret and weigh. The glory of God to conceal and all that.
Reading the 'Faith of Hitchens' writer Larry claims physical miracles are rare. Maybe and compared to pockets of genuine and generally historical outbreak otherwise -- yes. Although surmise he presumes a given and somehow because of a necessarily restrained or unwilling-to God.
So what, did Jesus talking as a young man to followers and crowds, somehow forgot to say; Once the N.T. is written, the Gospel is now, well ...different? All the while explaining in a number of injunctions, 'if and because... therefore...'.
The current contemporary lot who would 'amen' this and without need to qualify, facing counter-claims are being insensitive to those suffering, are into 'all about, bless-me-bless-me'. Mostly. And whackos on a number of scores. Yet in one way they know something much of the church choose to underestmate: How to read the word and the place these symbols and sounds have.
Right attitude, wrong direction with them but that doesn't obscure, at pains to be clear, Jesus talk.
Regardless of spectacular answers, especially medical related, the lack of faith around and about is colossal -and- most Christians seem to be causalities and critics of those claiming God wants revival. Let alone bat-blind and a political awakening to stop the social lock-down. Lots of reacting and over-reacting. Go bitch and 'put the church right'. Blame them other wonky ones somehow, for the overall loss of cred.
These two go hand in hand: Faithlessness and blame other Christians. Or, of course, c/o Calvin and co; say-not but decants down to 'blame' God.
Hard times in the face of the public's over-overwhelming brick-wall response to church attendance. (Surprise, surprise eh).
Scurrying about bemoaning and off-loading on Gays and Islam. And, well not that long a list, but neon-sign regressive thinking and output. Oh... here's one, oh Israel beyond criticism, because in the Book today, therefore "never the aggressor". From a chat today with two dear (and I mean this/because they are), street-based evangelists.
Whats it matter? The church, in local and meeting, is reliably pants. No interest in typing or talking change for better. One I go to is 'bout as decent as goes. Honourable effort and weighed down baggage at a min.
Better go. This about what?
One or two who read this? Not unless you respond/write.
This a holy and hot proclamation out 'there'. Ya hear this and the one who I minister and priest-up for:
God has not given up and will find and enable some willing ones.
(Not sure I fully agree with what I've written. In face to face should bless and encourage).
As for the mission. Alone and amplified. Glory to God.