Like A Human Lover
The word desolation has come up in a reading. For me sits with 'blues'. Can fall in on, without much effort otherwise. Much make, or stay good on God, is needed.
The reading's context; about how 'we can praise God in... ' Not only about and for what's given and things but because of who this present One is and whatever else -- we can come under. Live with and within. Dwell and behold. Worship... collaborate, and mission. Get on the miraculous. Clash and smash the oppressor. Prisoner release. Redemption songs.
Could be about the done-toward. But easy to testify when going well. While the very blessings can too easy bash up the relationship. We transfer need to, for needs got, so -- "later for you/God".
A categorical explanation, why an 'awake' vision about the world, a prerequisite. For prophetic health. The cold water to get hot. Discernment for deliverance. Toughen up stand straight. See the mountain.
Not seeing the needs and roots around is a deception. The prophets of old, told the people, what they most often failed to see. Right before them. Warnings-to where possible and disrupt.
In this, and whatever better times, we need God now. Know this or not.
Appreciate like a human lover, blocking most all else out and eyes of the beholder. People-love tends to be nearest most come to equating an understanding of God. Someone way and altogether-most, incomparable, and wonder-full.
Reckon readers -- don't know/may have (?) -- might squirm at these gushes about God? Somehow so right-on about a human romance or family.
But God..?
As though we all have a relationship with God, through our view of the world. Which translates as; God's doing = this. And with that, the blame but little thanks, apart from being the starter.
As though all can judge God and found wanting. Jump to nearest cruelty and injustice. Track the tragedy, do the sums. Anything 'good' is our doing, the rest unstopped by supposed protect and carer. Think absent or for special rare occasions. Or an amorphous blanket.
Back to 'inner desolations' and in the scattering disciples and our work out in actualities. This requires wilderness. An artificial construct in fasting and the liberty of limits.
No escape from. Best be on the full-on embrace.