Holy Fanatic
The advent of the internet has brought about a divide. Two directions. Open and try to understand -and- closed and think-understand/not trying or open. Quite a state we're in. Agreed we're only talking about a conscientious to enquire much 20%.
Yet, within this bracket, 99% are certain there's a mainstream consensus that matters. A supposed marriage of m.stream and prefered representative interlocutors. Our fave wise-heads. Doing a sterling role of rattling and opposing. Held by notions of the surrounding hip. All a buttress against speculations too weird and wild. Not-tobe-believed. Countenance and given credence through consideration.
OK 99% is way too high but include people who agree with the above but when pushed and controversy shoves, react off.
After, Jesus the great high priest talk, get:
Young gives it the ever-descriptive dull of hearing. Bored and proud, more like.
Back to the net. Some suffering 'dull' might not be screened-up so much but... it's the attitude. The net let the cats out the bag. Gutenberg 2 'n all that. All the while, managing to lock down most-peeps freer capacity to enquire. Guarded by an assumed priesthood. Pundits disagreeing, within a confined spectrum and viewer's illusion is honest.
On this occasion. Continue tomorrow.
Peace to you.