Get Me To The River
'Because we do not know God' is Jesus definition and how we fail to meet our potential. Tree of good/evil eating and deceptions of judgement.
Dead-again Christianity. Unknowing and lost. Straying out of God's leading and could-be enabling. In any given moment or period of action. Not about the 'knowing God' and once for all but manifest, evidence based, demonstrations. Ongoing in deliverance or bondage?
We got what takes to do good and right or flounder and collapse into self-love come self-hate. Transfer onto another and turn away.
Happy in hate.
Normal behaviour and nothing surprising ways. Somewhat expected from sinner or saint. Very acceptable in the main today, yet the great falling behind. The dredge and dank and not fresh waters.
Outcome from the loss of the word in us and worship from us. This at least a starter for better health. Although, not that reliable without revelation of our propensity to be snarky snobs.
Knowing-God movements relies on eating from the living one. Having more, self-less, perspectives. Compassion heavy and generosity. Grace.
See this otherwise-tolerated bullshit everywhere I turn. Must watch myself though, for even in assessing, get trapped in. Quiet, internal, hypocrisy. Mulling the mess is no good thing.
Writing this to remind myself to watch it and live up. As always.
Look about though and yet, where oh where, are those civil and gracious?
To find otherwise than norm. a heart-warmer. Most likely exhibited in most downtrodden and destitute. Could be in those elderly and vulnerable. Young children get it right more then not.
The combo:
On on hand there's widespread and intentional ignorance about the system of the world. Signs of the times. Dark elite's tentacles and mind control. While lack of grace to unfavorable people, for any old tosh of a reason, and out whacks rejection.
They're not unconnected. Media induced, we mimic the smug and proud, disapproval. Project out for a small synaptic surge, not dissimilar to visual cruising and lust.
All about the river and us a tree. Soak in what we become.
So here/have it down as: Asleep, or sedated by choice, and the manipulators. With passive aggressive avoidance and rejection in social overdrive.
Or; awake and so disturbed at the declining (oh yes...) and those anyway active in vocal resistance, the capacity to care for people around us, battered and ragged.
Easy discernment test:
Watch T.V. news and presenters, guests etc and are we repelled? Visceral and consistent. If so, demonstrates our inner truth-detector is not so on the blink and being had.
If into Jesus and wanting to live-in Bible verses resonating and ringing in us -- likely going to be different. To repeat and this -- but where at and this day.
People interrupt and irritate. Fuss and fuss again. All can do is die-to and repent as go, if not all free and easy about. Could be angry at all the stupidity and waste. The insane looking. But... better ways needed than grump 'n gripe.
Makes me want to be alone. Get me to the river. The sickening and sad parade is about glib judgement and this about not knowing God.
Bible open, river flowing.