Ever had a tall and suited man put his hand on your shoulder, lean in a little, eyes peer and ask, “how are, your quiet times, going?”.
Pray as ya graf to begin - but as ya go - with a swift tap up. Ear I am, like.
Restating the goalposts: Fresh images and scrip. Pray, tap, pray, tap...
Up for 9am. God willing.
Now I’m a ‘twit’ might be read, although I make little or no attempt to be accessible. Bits on a server. Scanning the pews looking for the clearly converted but very much mooreaching out to those at the back of the church looking to run/or have - out the door. Twitting is about the gathering (more/less) soaking thorough for encouragement.
I’m not with heart to reform. Having writ this, Biblical emphasis to pray for believers is, just that.
This try-to-be prophetic rap is first to God. Following this, into the unseen. If it builds, blesses and battles along for a human-looker-on? Ha-lle-lu-jah.
Truthscoop began by someone - and me, is now just me, (contributing posters would be marvellous but if/till...). Including rambles through heaven on that. Watch - to this - to pray.
Today’s prayer is from Thomas Merton. Book of the week (finally getting read): ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’. Hence.
Respect to Xoşewîst | خوشويست, J. Patrick Vaughn and Dave VanAtter following on Twit.
And catching-up have done all my ‘following’ (but two) yesterday: The Boundless Team for the encouragement/message. (I only stopped - following - to not give the impression I’m on the holy pull) and Vidovik, following early on. (I can’t imagine how/found or why? Popped her on TS and will repost, here and there, this smiler of a postey).
Notices over. “Hymns, offering?”
How do ya get a word? Pray on. Might just be impressions perhaps it’s all just that - and some of them, might, be a word.
Diversity in and through the Cross. Unity not uniformity. Observing evangelical-dom more closely. Jesus died for free-speech. Advocate for the unspeakable. We ‘watch’ and give room, like the sister in Syria opening the church doors, (we peace-make and pray). Jesus took all on and in. We’re here to safe space the dangerous. Opinions period, need our protection not people from them. The injunction to think on these things... is the ground.
Gather the diversity. God wants to gather in and outward toward this/them. Who is offended? Not us. Not by opinion. Not those in death and therefore life. We’re not called to be, a theological or political, thought-police force. Not outside of a local gathering, community. Even then... Beyond this we must not believe that ‘offence’ is an opinion. UK laws, at least here, have adequate provision to cover intent to incite violence or slander.
The ground of our thinking is:
...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.
‘Whatever is offensive...’ The ground for our freedom. The landscape changing through engagement.(Some) current winds designed/co-opted to steal, kill and destroy: The love/hate dividing up over Islam, guns in the US, refugees/borders.
‘In the cross’ we chose to engage with ‘other’. In the ‘self’ we communicate only with those we by and large agree. Or find disagreement a breeze. Anyone pushing for these ‘others’ and the postion ‘they’ hold to be removed from public discourse are fighting the cross. Fighting Christ.
God gave the church to the world to save individuals and save our freedoms to be different. Culture can be better or worse, and Government outlaw more or less, based on people or principles. And yes, we fight for our stand - depending on political outlook - to change the social framework.
What is it not Jesus-now, in refusing or failing to breach the divides? At least across the luxurious safety of say, UK internet-speak. 2016 is the enemies’ coming to take down the borders on the horizon. “We need protecting” from that speak and argument is prison talk. Socialism shouldn’t be incompatible with freedom but surely those all wrapped up this-way inclined, should at least concede its contemporary misuse can be intellectual fascism.
“First they came for...” the confederate flag -or- the minaret. Or talking about...
Sit blogging across the pews and with sympathetic outsiders/church is building on sand and building sand. Who ‘goes to church’ like it or not - is church. And Jesus’ speaking engagements or Paul?
Jesus died to bridge the one universal divide, that, all agreed. But what has he come to do/is here for: With he internet?
This me little burden today. The word is outsiders.
(Excuse me, this isn’t what I want to do, day-in/day-on... I’m not here to preach to Christians. Here to put out words that are less directed thatter way. Church is... I’m more for the truthers, outsiders (both-siders) - and praying and sowing into the ‘unspeakable’.
‘Why he died - JFK - and... why it matters?’
OR Gary Webb... Or... (I’ll bring one a day for the week).
Thanks for reading.
It’s nine o’clock in the morning.