Fast Up
Break from 'Blinkers'
Banging on about discipline with its ally and fasting, could give an incorrect impression. As though Jesus is all about our try to impress or obey, benevolent but disciplinarian. No. These heart impulses, whatever we ourselves posses, come out from within and having inspiration and love to do better. Better for, and made to be. This described as the working of the person and God, called; The Holy Spirit. For God somehow has to be involved to succeed to be doing. What we know we'd like, most to do.
Easy to project hopes of how I could live. On to this domestic and foreign challenges. Don't promise and isn't best. Instead a means to an end. The along the way, the only way to go. This summed up in rely on and abandonment back.
And so fast up or the crumble into less, and otherwise. As though the Christian fight can be an add-on, not the other way around. Profoundly uncomfortable knowing any talk about prayer is just that. Admirable ambassador maybe but does or ..n’t, walk talk.
Always something and… then, we start, in bunkered down, long-prayer.
Lightly-held compulsion to self-express, inc. TS, runs the list; Note to myself not much read-back but reinforces remember what saying and can be like a prayer/prophetic; Evangelism; Readers oblivious-ish, would be blessed if only one or two that mattered read, rather than larger and preaching to choirs; Graphics on a fridge-door, stuck on sit there, proclaiming, and; Encouraging this global necessity to shout-out and… can’t be about, and not bother?; Whatever Comes Out. Express this.
Break from the list of blinkers. Maybe tomorrow surely this week. God willing, would this, that be... all needed.