Come Alive
Drank and smoked (too much) on the weekend. Knowing it might be a year before/if it happens again, doesn't take away the conviction; best not. And 'best not' done, is called sin. The passages today hit on drunkenness and adultery. Pulled together various sections their concentration is awkward reading.
The thing that happens is we/I escape, the reality of our/my situation/s, bypassing the struggle, everything going all h.a.pp-y. The suffering and it's… stimulated glory. Artificial covering. A kind of blanket thrown over to shade from and hide-away. Take the 'coloured pill' a stupid prelude to what 'is' being done, as far can, planning toward the full-through, lock down.
Dead-along while experimented on by those controlling.
The only way we'll live otherwise, is enough of us fighting through to slow this process down. To stop 'them'.
Jesus gave his life for us all. We can do the same.
What it takes.
We have to be dead-already and live out for others. All at it and without liquid that makes the 'heart glad'. Much, or at all. Or this, or that.
Find some way to pay the way. After 'work' – activist away like there's no tomorrow. Stare Yemen and Syria in the face and say, 'this is not God and must not be' and this – down to me. And you, and you and you and you. But me. First.
Proverbs 6 (20's) is making simple the dynamic. The power of wisdom, the word of God, what parents or guardians who got wise, might have said/say. Instructions how best to live. This – is our means to keep from… in this case, 'your neighbours wife… the smooth talk of a wayward woman'.
Or getting pissed. Or flunking about in morbid self-obsession, or being anything that 'escapes from reality'. That might read the cliché but this is what we're made and called to be. In reality and securing this against, fantasy-makers, who're intent to kill.
We're meant to be. Meant for. What our ancestors, tribed up about. Ours a different generation. We have T.V. and now-know what can be (relative peace and prosperity) and where/how much this isn't happening, for regions overseas and even somewhat our backyards. Our 'safe european homes'
Engaging in a conversation with truth is an antidote to escaping into self-kicks and… whatever else it is – a waste. Time for this and the time for that but as I slurred away past-weekend:
They're banking on us not getting on or getting it together.
Not we need super-women-men to rise up. All good as when. But we need masses and these representing the rest. Single-figure percentages overall would do. That all. Hundreds, let alone thousands, full-on, full at it. There'd soon be thousands. And then the end. The elite empire collapses. At least that overreaching us all – lot.
In Jesus day, twelve got together with him. Hardly superstars but by conversing with The star above stars, God in our midst, they became read-up, talked through and then about 120 of them got filled from 'above'.
I didn't read the Bible much last weekend. Prayed, hardly. Show better restraint, which would have been star-like. Apologies any reading there.
No written prayer this morn but will open the book as I walk about sit and what have you… ok, one prayer:
Make these words come alive so we O God can talk a lot.