Reaction against religiosity and the legalism that blights certain keen Christianity is necessary. 'Grace teaching' an imperative to stop over-energetic fussing. Less on the to do, and rather receive, free and easy.
Prefer to try and be in/to, both. Not legalism but don't see the bless-me emphasis in the best of Church history or Jesus' mission. Pretend about the world is partly the cause. Oblivious to forces that need addressing and their onslaught upon social living.
No 'why ?' -- so much = nay bother.
So grace-up and God all good and loving. All gracious and wide with mercy. While identifying with the prayer-warriors of old and street based evangelism. Add, alternative worship or better-said -- church.
There are no examples of this and a local church, or even blabbers online. Hence; home alone.
Wonder why this is? Got into?
Would start with grace, then visions and time spent here and there, brought me this mix.
Now in a burst of holy respite and build-up, believe God has me, run with the clock. From... to... --spare y'the details -- On. Get as, religious, as can be about. 'Bind one to' is the definition of that verb.
Compelled, might better describe. The urge not do otherwise. Bored off and on to. Ache among an empty landscape. Not sure there's much or any encouragement? Except God.
Audio and a generation-gone preacher, barking about men. Their calloused knees or horse-bound trodding the roads to preach. And hardly ever indoors. Hear/d this.
Blank and difficult but days are for work/sleep and with what can -- door shut, God alone. Bible and pen. By the hour. Tick tock.
This post // and don't I jus' go on so... // is a talking to: Me.
Prophetic markers. Although this yet and more to come.
All am saying is God definitely -- in my weighing up -- into this. The writing, a form of exercise and free-up. Death to some more self-assessing. And so important, not to look down on others. No comparisons, while no-care to impress. (This assuming seen/at all?)
The transforming Bible-wise, isn't about personal enlightenment. Perhaps a bi-product but it's self go-goes-gone and yet... because of this, become, more human.
Much the paradox. You give up all, to gain -- all. Meet God more and become closer in living out of the whole person, purposed to be. Strength and material needs, best gained as go and in faith. Rather than stored and generally a stagnating influence. The key is living like not. Or holding lightly.
How God wants to be the grace and all in all. For us not to, have us boast.
Where the mistake -- in my humble accuracy -- is the lack of action stations and to war --yet-- leaning on and on... and on... God.
Go IN God.
The overdone error is nowhere to go, or going nowhere grace-filled? Or going into fatalist fantasy-ville. This one, most pop. among conspicuous Charismatics. Telling 'us' what God 'will do' in a supposed fast-forward 'prophesy'.
Blowing trumpets and see the enemies self-destruct. Turn on each other. This one of the purposes of prayer. About damage and destruction, yet enveloped with eyes-on God in love and worship.
Keep thinking of Gideon. Start with, "who am I...". No false humility there. And God wanting glorious victory with increasing involvement. Less is more and most. We are all too clever by half.
Look down on... others. Think... we got what not. Oh me ooh my...
Only God is attention grabbing, bright and lively enough. Suppose it is a bit of a catch-all rundown to suggest that only God alone is something else.
Supposed to be adding a song a post?
Pop of the pops and King of my Heart -- 'll do.
Hey 'verse of the day' a cracker:
Love not ye the world, nor the things in the world; if any one doth love the world, the love of the Father is not in him, because all that [is] in the world -- the desire of the flesh, and the desire of the eyes, and the ostentation of the life -- is not of the Father, but of the world,