Call Up
Woe to me if I don't... Paul exclaimed.
The good news is God. This all. God alone. Here/now, causing me/a, constant and grateful shock. What else and other things are boring. This what. Puts a love-for in us and this dulls the rest. Much about why, 'woe to me'.
Plus Paul was expressing compassion. Transmuting power. This person and more-than 'person'. Around and in. Where at.
God alone is more than enough. Purpose outward: Preach the Good News. The church is God's best creation and oh me oh my, it's all over the shop. Quite the disappointment. YET, the promise is, somehow, there'll be a long-time-coming 'new day'.
Hard to identify with other Jesus fans. Not intentional. Try. But nope. All too dry or silly.
With weaning off the news-net, scoot around preacher and prophetville. But it; "Ain't me babe, oh no, no..."
And hey, and no one's looking for a me-type. Accept this. Could breakdown and understandable; theology combo and vision of troubles.
Relate to aspects of the historical church. In their context and 'imagine there' would be fitting. But today? It's like peep living then, now. As though we sit (ain't that the literal row upon row case eh...) in a reenactment.
So what to see? Isaiah and like, SAW what was coming/could be/call up -- to do. Consider versions for today come with waiting-on. Stilling right enough to hear/see.
We need social-breakdown for any moves better. As did Israel of old. Part reaping conclusions of decadence and rebellion towards God. Part, mercy; and longer the empire takes over stronger the chains. Worse the outcome for those living through.
Read early Isaiah or most any O.T.-where and much applicable now. Key is, which bits, and what to say to God about? To pray.
Not hearing anything much(?) having a ring of authentic prophetic about it, leaves me without witnesses. Know what sounds not-God which is almost(?) all on the net and claimed, "heard the Lord say to me...". Open and generous toward. But nope, is either a) irrelevant. B) without accompanying or say, proceeding repentance. C) showtime and more of the same. And who knows how much, jus' compulsive attention seeking?
So what IS something from God?
Dunno to write here but am trying. Given over to God in every spare min. in prayer. Seems to me and what historical indications worth considering -- the prerequisite.
But why? For what? Reason? Woe to me.... Am bothered otherwise. Seems this what God wants. No 'seems' about, actually. To repeat/as ever:
God made the world to be something... God-like. Together bring this about by hearing/seeing what God is saying/showing. By mutual collaborative engagement build. Battle through with the word/s coming -- and intentions fulfilled.
God speaks into. We hear and pray through. Manifests/becomes.
In most having an easy UK time of it -- no sweat days. This life. God on the side and eat, drink, be...
But soon cometh storms. But chorus rises; "hey wait till/deal with/as when..."
But gonna be very very bad and God needs some of us to experience God-compassionate, concern/and hopes.
Do as. But call it Christianity and mmmm? Saved and commune-with, sure -- but the call-up and made-for opportunity?
Sence my longings for camaraderie seeping through. Nah bother. No signs of this. Time to type-off for now. Silence and God -- glorious and the word alive and the time to -- might have another few mins. What else needed? Nuttin.
Warrior up. Training for.