Distressed over 'these' kind of idols in Athens. Paul when asked about his views, said he could see those-into were very religious people. Representative shapes, imbued with powers. Bow enough and sacrifice, get-something back. Material. Appease and gain. Social stimulation come casino.
Acclimatised to the other-ones that surround. E.g. shops and handholds. A cathedral and most-oft, pixel-bizarre. What do we, become?
'Religions' in pop. meaning is out. Yet, whatever we hold so-dear make us our life in what we bind to? Mould some. Look like what we love. Sound like. Become somewhat.
Contemporary and popular obviously “getting religious” is to – become our/selves/god/s. Released in/to what we're all about. This other-world-ing has no alternative alternative. Discovery keys, unlocking potential etc. Gnostic-like is the only formal camp and 'what's on'.
Church AWOL, no surprises, not on the landscape. Nine times out of… ninety-nine out… nine-thousands.
Meeting this/those, getting 'unseen' about stuff, find Mars Hill (Athens/Paul) compliments but parallels end. Ancient Greece relatively shared understanding could lead Paul to say, the 'unknown God', was knowable. Could say, you don't “know”. Nowadays none to 'know' but universal something for all in all. That is and this, the/ir 'revival' sought. “Unknown” sounds defeatist. 'Ancient civilisations and UFO's are sufficiently evidenced to convince'. Convict. There be other realms. That's all the creed needed.
Me-looking the deluded outsider, connected to tele-evangelists with gooey-eyed, arm-waving crowds and oft than not, repulsive Zionism. Or; socialist active and well-meaning vicar for justice, do a food-bank, join the protest-march. Still more misguided Trad. Without what's seen to be some of the crap but all into 'other' and powerless. Not present-vibes and pagan poetry.
Jesus? 'Mr. Respected-sayings and archetypal in nasty books by oppressors for oppression'.
(Of course I'm not running down Jesus' effectively salty lights in the midst, who at best/somewhat separate from those caricature but I’ve been 'about' and Christians ain't. About. Anyway, let alone...).
Here and now, science has supposedly explained, what the ancients thought was magic and mystery. Talking God, imaginary psyched-up. Science – 'god'. Proclaims 'not' – but humanism shrouded as naturally and all there is. “God dead, long live us”.
Of course, in this we have the ground for enemy's tranny on-going-on, in ever-emerging public plans. Post-crashes. (First big-one, around the corner/feeling the swing).
On a confessional. Desperation leading to dependence, become increasingly is where I'm at. No shame in saying. Lost. Lost, without God. Would run to the hills and get right-a-way if could. God and me. Encompassing and obsessional.
Distressed at the idols, knowing acclimatising. Towns and tablets (lap-tops, mobiles etc). Escape them best/most – a start. We're turning into something, I don't know how quite to describe. By watching. I suppose, like all, we see.
Normality fun-house pumped, when all but is. Tides are turning. Need a cure from getting sick-about?
Weed, pills from Doc or a can-of helps many. Holidays on the horizon? Sex, sex and more sex? Something, anything, fills-in, the 'live it up' and havin-a-laf. Working or middle-class respectable versions. Full menu available.
Temperamentally I'm an 'everyone-lovely' type. No value in judging.
Ask myself – what’s the difference between being nice and holy? Not starting judging. Not so. At all. But wahatabout? Asking God?
How much like we idol-look, depends on how much we invest, attend – attention toward. Jesus, the antithesis of 'to know thyself' and therein the potential to be god-like told us to “give it up”. What?
He says we 'ought' not might, some, or maybe but emphatically, “Ought” to lay down our lives for others. Not fellow-lovelies, worthy types, family loved ones… (nearest he gets to this, is common, one and all gathered around God and doing the same ones) but…
Love God because this capacity. Given. Worship? Bellowing out songs and shouting His Name. (Fields-alone not buildings etc).
Has little or nothing to do with after-life. All now. Not next. Want to be set-apart and away with God. Write like I do. Why? Not so, (I-be-lucky), for crowds and power.
God love and power. War on the saints. War, back.
God make verses come alive today. Never a few feet from the Book, have me turn those pages and eat. Over and over, again and again. Desperate for you. This the only word the encapsulates. Be my vision. Thank you. Dear God.