Blue And Yellow 2.
Tend to write, on what wasn't happy written. Highlights a good route to go on. 'Not a Nuclear-bomb-believer for years...' in Pt. 1. caused post-reflect and regret; a post out of the comment and to a part 3. (once studied up on Ukraine history). One online read are substack'rs. Will add into the mix. For a few days will get on The Book of Revelation, then the Baddiel book on Jewish identity etc., and then get into; space, time... the final(?) frontier. On at 11 am... off at... midday. Back for a closing 'hour-of-power' after a walk and coffee-break - at 1 pm/ done 2.15 pm.
Why me and we, who and few-few-few, who seek-on and want to know what's what and live in accordance?
Might be, the phenomenon and puzzle, to grip and flabbergast for the genuine active and awake?
Can't say have met or know almost anyone outside of public organised Truth and Freedom-like gatherings or rare-ones on the internet who shares a comparable personal journey. The bold and teachable who appreciate shocks and a change of mind.
The pre-TV generation had limited and narrowed-down access to alternative public opinion, yet didn't so fear and loath authentic learning. Nowadays, the internet is an ignorance-making factory, sowing meaningless possibilities and confusion in sensible looking garb.
Get told, "...well the there's a lot of things said on the internet" as a rational response to something presented and unknown that requires humility to consider. Trusty children who believe those big-looking boy and girls books or telly and refuse to grow up.
Read or hear others who 'get this' withdraw alone or find a close huddle who like the salient over the silly when it comes to life? Principled in wanting out from the shallow and deceptive; people who like a laugh and light... but can take, the dark or unknown?
Talk with older people who have lived through exceptional adventures and/or taken significant leadership roles and high-pressure responsibility, find able to talk in openness about the extraordinary. Put it down to an exercise they've been on in various areas of life, that's made them limber to process new information and something not known. To the sounds-not, go...: 'hang-on, and let's consider'?
Reasons why the stagnation and sludge is one thing, the question that eludes is why how blessed few who get through it?
Put failure in life and not much of a life, leads to roam the internet about fifteen years ago and a critical, practical, step. What's apparent and shrouded in writing '...for years' about nuclear bombs is what thereon, slowed me down?
See, truth is am/have been, wrapped-up in peer pressures. Much was down to a broken and messed-up, young, upbringing.
Saw investigations into these bombs yonks ago but not those elsewise convinced and respected. Had me keep out the writing about it and maintain fain doubts at best. Rather than pushing through and researching an informed conclusion, decided it was too wild. Read, here and there, commenters on the one or two websites would visit (most, gone/offline). Convincing stuff, but... kept reserved.
Curious and why, although plumbing them depths it's the classic avoidance and remain in darkness or disconnect: Peer Pressure.
Look up an instance and did mention and wrote, 'Nuclear bombs – whatever they are/or not, will/would, Dev-I-state'1.
Should have written and why-not is applicable to other beliefs about knowledge. Although not-all truth claims is something that express thus-far confidence in the theory. While certain conspiracy to con us in, is a supposed well-established reality.
Another example was AIDS. Having been a first-hand witness to its beginnings in early-80s NYC it never made sense and subsequent story-line. Thereabouts and November 2012, Joe Rogan interviews Peter Duesberg2. Same again, and delayed digging for the 'two opposed' and:
...grow-up and breakthrough, the pretend and play mind-games.
Instructive and fears; Misplaced cares; Stunt and dumbing-down; Tiddler and not bigger.
Time enough/on. Over to Karen on power and prayer?
When on Pt. 3. will look back at Truthscoop archives on Putin and where it all went?
Another comment on Pt.1 that caused pause and question is 'redeemable Putin'? NO way is it a judgement on his relationship or otherwise-not and God? About the reality and actual East vs. West -or- East as bad -or- both sides are under the same bosses. His part and push for... what?
The history lessons mentioned in Pt. 1 from George Eliason needs double-checking and context in my wider understanding. That said, the part where Karen reports; 'The Ukrainian government is evicting more than 200 monks and 300 students from the Kyiv monastery' chimes in as a culmination of Georges' recounting and alleged historical roots.
As with personal-judging and not-into to this extent or motive; ANYONE, into seeking the unseen and God(-like) and good, is commendable. Karen manages to mention two, personal top of the tops inspirer's and didn't expect anyone to know or care about although had picked up Karen on Wurmbrand a while back. The toppers:
Richard Wurmbrand; and Rees Howells.
A first-ish Truthscoop post on Putin3, will do my best to re-read (a struggle), once I begin a Pt 3. Find the changes went through in perspectives on Russia and do a summery of how George Eliason links the past leading on to today.
Karen is honest and pertinent to the uttermost and where am at.
Like her, 'didn’t become an intercessor' in all my talk and groans. The desires and current wobbly trying. Though it's all that remain and do. Selfish, as it 'drive-me-crackers and do otherwise'. A way to deal with the information known and carry on with oomph and not flat.
Helps having a theology that doesn't need to excuse the state we're in with the word 'sovereignty' and God.
Reading a book on revival and on occasions, throws in that S. word, presume make sure the reader doesn't get too caught up in human responsibility. Always proceeds the use with, 'of course...'.
Begs the question, when isn't God' ...sovereign? Or, better said, what are the alternatives to the stone-set and assumed Gospel-message backdrop from the reformation and held in Calvinism?
The stories in Wales and Hebrides are definite outings over April. Before, bursts on Truthscoop in May and then stop/a break(?) over the the remainder of 2023.
These revival documents and testimonies confirm why they were somewhat enabled because of the times and social setting -and- where we now find ourselves in the UK and a progression (positive and negative) and developments in theology and society?
Fifteen mins. top edit and determined to go. Prayer is about time and what else we have choices to do not. Any much-more that two hours on the box is not wise, sound or valuable.
Bored with play acting in all areas and ways. As for going God-ward; sincerity, humility and rigorous honesty is what it's all about.
That, and some welly aka, passion, volume and out the guts and heartfelt. Nothing is harder than living in the word and paying time, yet all else...? Well, it takes he who does and gets to press through: feels it/knows it.
Lyric from Indigo Girls.
Maggie May, Truthscoop, April 23, 2017 ↩
The Joe Rogan episode #282. Quick scoot 'bout and trying to remember where Duesberg ended up and seen, Germs vs. Terrain? Found comments on Germ Theory Versus Terrain: The Wrong Side Won the Day, Merinda Teller, July 30, 2019. ↩
Paul on Putin, Truthscooop, December 24, 2015. ↩