Beside The Road
Update 19/6 – having one of those all you… I – have written, is near-all missing it. This in; beginning to hear more and realise, not-having so got it, leaves holes galore in my expressions. Not only squirming and m'crazy lingo but now more-so with the substance. And time – what use/for/what? Less online this for sure. Need to get the audio out and shift time-spending… free up and less contrived and hard-work. At least in writing. As for praying? This the 'hard'. Writing? This too me, 'making hard-work of it'. Plus/repeating; my views are changing.
And not so, the imaginary expectations or considerations from others. All of and from God. Remain in me... says the One.
'Seek obscurity' said Thomas a Kempis.
Heard a contemporary preacher quote it the last day or so. (About the only one evangelical talker I can regularly stomach).
Received. This. Word.
This what I need. To receive. Words.
Consider the Bible of a different order to any Thomas, apocryphal writing, words from wherever… but any communication can have a now-speaking/here for you element. Images etc can yet they always translate through into – obviously: Words. And the seed that germinates and matters: Bible words.
The basis for this blog is The Parable of the Sower and Jesus 'in the wilderness'.
These two passage bring into focus God's strategy to fulfill a call to 'overcome'.
On behalf of humanity. For God and the least/us, lives among and loves. We love through God. In people is somehow God-enough, to be loved back though. And we can love directly to God – the movement is met.
Yep, any few of us who can spend what time we have doing the right thing with God, would be(come) the catalysts for change. This doesn't remove the need for multitudes to rightly respond in other ways but without intercessors in place, the nations will be swept up into the enemies most destructive plans.
Watched a short burst of 'Together 2016'. Bit I saw was sincere and if someone was looking for God there were messages and testimony every which way.
But… could tell/the evangelical church – and all and every different camp – is so out of sight (not in the slang 'jazz etc' sense). Out of in-sight about the times. Inviting the Pope and pretending. Sheer ignorance. As one comment I read said:
'I'm a Christian, but I agree with you. This was an all day concert with the Pope making a video appearance to push the New World Religion. They all sang kumbaya for the day, but I can't get anyone to even read a post about where we are at as a society.'
Solution put forth as individual 'salvation' for no matter how desperate and lost. Period.
This about all the works needed in some has-been times and places but today it rhymes dense and blind. Western-wise, used to fit-ish but this is now and we're in a media-driven charade. Without the spell broken, God will continue to grieve for all good intentions – 'his body' is ruptured redundant.
Heard more than once the term 'reset' spoken at 'Together'. Suppose a new certain-evangelicals buzz word. As though this world, their respective nation can be. And God can do it. Presumably by immense church growth. “Reset...” Mmmm?
What's it mean. “Bing” – and switch, back… and moving-on now? No sense of the siege and ongoing captivity.
Not God's doing, not God-alone – can get out of. Until-the-end. But now – God needs a re-wakening to the truth and us disregard the lies told on the telly.
The idol un-smashed stops truth about God making waves. Let alone takes us voluntarily, deeper into a Babylonian anti-Gospel, global-building, '1984/Huxley' world
Again, 1950-70's ...even into the 80's. Looking good to go on the personal-all-is front. But the dynamics are so different.
The big smiles and some wise and earnest pleas at 'Together' with talk after talk after… song-pop after… etc had me turn to early 80's Keith Green live at a comparable event. Played one or two songs from there, where modern Charismatic Church began. Seemed right for there, if not somewhat out of place for here/now. (Although can 'receive' more from back then, “Je-sus… commands-us to go…. it's the...” – whole lotta umph).
OK let me get the splurge out and complete. Today – led/not looking-for – am going to do my less than five mins first preach/audio. Each text now-on gets an audio.
Bom, bom, bom. Three seeds.
Normalcy bias is healthy and understandable, natural and responsible. Etc, etc. But it's a cult. A sick and stupid idol. Some of us must escape the clutches.
Took a wise check on widespread global financial woes last night and, they 'can always keep printing', but wouldn't bet the engineers in light of the false-flagging are ready for the next step. Regardless.
Most of what we hear falls beside the road and – immediately – is devoured. 'Comes Satan and takes the word'. This the word we-some, should-must, grasp.
The importance of/them, making this globally manipulated, emotionally charged, sentimental bowing – is critical to feed the forces behind the idols. The idols'powers have only one main conduit, one burdensome image – mainstream media. And the constructed news has to exact increasingly irrational and dumbed-down responses.
To those driving, we're 'animals' compared to these fewest and most-in-charge elites. (These few thousands/less than 30 families). We must be corralled into worshiping along in their rituals that serve certain political expediency but mostly hold multitudes of/and peoples/ in deeply symbolic messages. Impressions. It's their song and dance. Their sick sacrifice of adoration dark-ward.
This only works by our following their co-opted, speaking-ahead, proclamations.
Whatever God's way they mimic. Try to replicate. Numerology has – I don't know how far – intricate depth to their activities but the overall is; Bible in a prophetic interpretation – In reverse. Hence we are stuck because God's peoples prophetic undertaking is moribund.
The future is 'ours' for the taking. Translates to; Puts the breaks on, ever more collective suffering and premature death.
Here's a co-opted word from them; 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past'.
Determined to cut the length of these writes down. The painful yawn of re-reading this past nine months aptly demos why.
All might have 'sinned and…' but the 'principalities' have gathered together. Under one roof. The classic money, sex and power idols, or military industrials and on the list – are on auto. We're more primed than are.
Now they have one need from them – to believe lies. The only idol that carries sufficient power are image based lies. Gripping nations. Millions and Billions.
'Emperor/no clothes' is where we're being led (/arrived). Global T.V. driven. Goebbels – if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it – like. Leading toward Project Blue Beam's.
Their power is in being caught but… still- getting away with it. Thrill of the con. Who knows what? And who cares? Not here to gawp at their works.
All 'this' is an elaborate version of Jesus asking “what is your name”?
Enough discernment and attention to seed into. And – command the unclean spirit to come out.
To not bow to some-caesar (darn spelt that wrong yesterday) like display in the midst.
To attract fellow, wanna be a warrior, attention.
To give me praying requests and direction.
To proclaim light into all and any digital darkness.
To praise and worship God; By the word of their testimony and by the Blood of the Lamb
And to be doing what God has yet to get though to me about.