I’m not going to include this morning what I’ve written so far. Big-picture stuff (“when ain’t, eh..?”). Part-out of a comment that, if not a tech or other(?) issue - and about third-ever time - didn’t make moderation. I’m glad, aside from quality being scrappy, the relative brevity and hasty doing, didn’t serve the necessity of the cause. It’s also instructive in encouraging, further/more/better coverage, while potentially adding confirmation for contained direction.
/// Update: moderation didn't happen, I think a tech ish on my side to blame x///
I must move from explaining and apologetics to - prophesying and proclamation. Typed a dozen questions this morn. Was beginning to get down, came out of, combined elements - with some less qualified statements (not here for not-now). When, I realised I’m back to explaining?
I’ll keep and write it up on TS. A short provoker with a clip of Harry Dent that I heard snippets from last night.
One thing I’ll recount from a conversation yesterday, something I reiterated: the concern I have for those who’re evidently socially and politically compassionate and campaigning yet, partially awake is... outcome. I’d rather someone; urgent and active for God and justice; the poor and hope; against the enemy for renewal/revival: However less-informed or unwilling to face evidence of the depths of the rot - than facts-awake but ostensibly, not.
I say. Awake stirs-up the gift. Reason less-stir? Less eyes-open.
I believe understanding the world as is - not - as taught mainstream, takes the Holy Spirit and considerable humility. I understand, because I wasn’t there and not with it, until a few years ago.
Let’s get a ‘today’s morning verse’-up.
“Oh my, my...” go to Bible Gateway to paste here (some Eph 5) and-the-very-verse, that I literally, closed my eyes to last night is there as the ‘one for today’. (Well, parallel Matt 20).
And He sat down and called the Twelve [apostles], and He said to them, If anyone desires to be first, he must be last of all, and servant of all.
Seed for here?
This a word. One I can see God’s at, and on me... on. Past few days.
Replication not duplication. Others not me, about people ‘coming to me/this/that, to receive/as if... but? Now can God serve others through me?
Their, this and that.