10.30 am - Gore Vidal said, 'the prose aren't... hectic', about The New Pearl Harbor by David Ray Griffin. Take what it takes, to try and keep; mine down and do 'what's goin' on' in about two hours, with a short break. On Hippies/Straights -and- Idealists/Compatibilists (personal interpretation). Gimp(.org) and go.
Patrick Wood (Sunday Wire #434) lays out why and how, we're reaping the troubles around the corner we're turning. He cites C.S. Lewis challenging 'scientism' in 1945 and How Should We Then Live by Francis A. Schaeffer in 1976.
In part-anguish come relief and the imminent street-based social unrest and uproar; the shortages and power cuts; the collapsing health service; and its inevitable link to the epidemic of socio-political avoidance. In a decade of yapping-out on Portobello Road and Sudbury, Suffolk; the explanation on why the avoidance and ambivalence was a puzzle at ne'er on 100%.
Pride (and, dislike correction) and/or fear (...unprepared to have hope for solutions) was a stock consideration, now am thinking again and the purpose is to help anyone reading (...that's me) and a change of mind and behaviour.
The weeds like seeds, were sown in the late 60's in the States. The protests by students and the Vietnam War. The somewhat organic drug-use was prevalent but other influences held them in serious interests and new learning on classic foundations. Enough time passing has allowed the conspiracy to be revealed. A whole younger set got done-in by State-led contriving to develop an alternative philosophy and go full-on eastern mystic, take psychedelics —and leave the war to the military industrialists.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 1961. While John F. Kennedy, three months later says:
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings...Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe...no war ever posed a greater threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of "clear and present danger," then I can only say that the danger has never been more clear and its presence has never been more imminent...
Aangirfan ( https://aanirfan.blogspot.com/ ) had a series of posts on Secret Societies that best documents the before and after of the ways (on earth) and the enemies making the bad news.
There goes again and trying to rouse interest and a reader wanting to know. Talk about self-deluded expectations. Yet..., wonder what the uptake and want-to-discover what's/what when the carry on/ "get on with our lives" is interrupted by material and a psychological turmoil as it hits our front-doors?
On the pub and gigs level 'punk' sough to overturn hippiedom. Looking back it's clear the hippies were.... underneath and dug deep inside punks, and bikers, ravers and so on. The dress and sounds changed but the mentality was ever-present. The bottle, speed, weed -over- LSD/Psilocybin and well-named dope/weed, —changed nutting. Bands sounding oh-so-anti... establishment sucked deep on compliance and were suckered to play along. "Never trust a hippy" the well-known cry at the turn of the 80s came from experience. All the peace 'n love maaan, was their self-deception with meanness and rip-off merchants supreme.
Something to do with a loss of objective ideas and traditional held morality. Not suggesting the Eastern Religious views fueled it. Today the race/religion have met in my travels that exude significant decency and openness are from India. What am suggesting is a basterised version took the theology or philosophy but had little or no family influence living out goodness and honour.
All of us dumbo-riddled Hippies today are scuffered by this inner culture and ethic. All pushed and pulled long by hippy-lackey's running big business, (Vanguard, Blackrock...; behind them, the Bankers/City of London and then lower in the darkness and cult-controllers are less than a dozen named families..., and the backdrop is unseen a battle of good and evil entities with praying and light and loving actions of humans the divisive factor). We got a hippy prob. No matter our style or taste.
The other driven trend and crowd are 'straights'. Heads-down and trust the better-side of the rulers and authorities is the belief and mentality. We can all oscillate between, with its influence upon different sides and our choices and states of mind. Jesus called them, 'mere human rules' that gave an appearance of decency but were betrayed in our hearts, i.e. the centre of who and what we are.
[11.50 am, break-time. Walk and screen free. Back 12.10.]
Scanning the Music category in the library am appalled at the shower... come late-2022 and still the hold-out dull minded and taken-over, older music stars. There are two stars that shine, (no bio's of them/ banned from the shelves(?)/ ought, and the honour). The two-alone and so well-known, who stood for truth and love, humanity and peace: The resistant and already dubbed 'man', Van Morrison. Even bolder to be real and human is the repentant post-injection-injury, Eric Clapton. What is wrong with us? Two out of how many?
Degusting..., and the question are who are we going to follow?
As to how? A revelation from a long-ago comment on Unz or Off-Guardian (?), that posited there are two kinds of moves and opinions.
(Off, Off-G. as no longer a reader, –except specific PAS/TS related research– is struggling with money. Once money comes my way, they'll get a decent thanks-tip, as with 21 Wire for Sunday Wire. Know told not to let giving be a public display but it isn't a big deal and quite happy to promote do-likewise. Our choices to give/read Off-G. is about all needed to tell if someone is/or, not, ...alive, and wanting to grow (up) or shrink along in ignorance and childishness?)
How and why not? Or..., at what stage will 'what's going on' matter?
The comment that instructed is about information-seeking, and our responses: Idealism can be about hiding behind the conventional view, or after leaping to the opposite position. No untoward there, yet it can ruin a progressive understanding.
The other characteristic is the hiding agenda/s, that influence to avoid light on truths.
Compatibilism is the desire to see both sides. F. Scott Fitzgerald had it in one; 'The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function'. The word 'function' could be about unchallenged held dogma and is more-often associated with people who self-define as say, a Christian, a Socialist, Atheist, Anarchist, etc.
Examples: Recent heard, moving and alarming talk. Clang came, when the speaker wanted to promote a related illustration, yet would know is contested by the listeners. It could have been used but if controversy was given a one-line respectful qualification. Acceptable.
This one is top subject and push-a-view; World War Two and the exceptional and epitome of 'evil' being the Nazi's and the death, and -alleged- work, camps.
The next one... a few minutes later and his answer to his 'hope and a turn-around?' was that God was judging the world and therefore all we could do is 'get to God' and nothing but down-down-down for humanity on earth.
Opinions expressed, in freedom, are fine; except when they're not couched in respects to an assumed make-up and audience. The other note on these two hot buttons is they get regular mentions and who/ where are they unpacked and analysed?
The first gets 'idealist' airings on Off-G. or Unz (two beacons of serious adult, written communication).
The second one has never been discussed or written about and anywhere, as far as I know. (Nb. and next post, let's go with 'Farewell To The Timeless God?').
A certain idealism display its intellectual motive and wants to reaffirm a personal belief without question (an assumption) and proselytise an ideology. Breezed-out, it seeks to bolster up the confidence behind and shy away from an honest appraisal.
Sam the moderator on Off-G. is adept at stepping in and employing fitting idealism -or- compatibilism, when a commenter is getting-on and pushing-too-far. Come over re-hashing an argument overwhelming and consensus accepted position and she'll(?) remind of ground covered and facts to demonstrate inaccuracy of an opinion. Get all bang-bang-bang and hit against the mainstream and conventional view will see push-back and slap-back in missing the point.
We're all in danger of using Idealism to miss better consideration and know when it's right to compromise over another's contrary position. With Compatibilism, we do well to not allow it to pretend-is-truth, when we can't face being incorrect and changing our views.
Garbly at that, and an image from earlier days. 1.35 and enough of the tip tap.