Welcome to my holy moan. 'Set-apart' because I don't read, hear or see otherwise. All too contained and measured. "Let's be calm and considerate eh".
(Oh to insert a swear word)
Assessment: Ain't much moaning about 'this' kinda moanin' – out there. Seems all a bit too much to consider; That the whole world is suffering as-much because we who name the name of Jesus cannot, and do not...
Disassociate is the word. And there are reasons. 2010 kinds. Associate to communicate with God. Other reasons meet? Go for a Sunday dose and mid-week-er/maybe? Those who dare negotiate services.
It’s difficult to pray. Everything screams “activity… do something”. Type a post, do the internet, DO... Age-old struggle. Reason it matters/or not so, begins with our theory of life.
Or, let's go down the 'hierarchy of needs': Freedoms and food. Safety and shelter. Pay the rent or mortgage/face eviction, go into emergency accom. Struggle with the bottle or spouse. Lonely or busy. Busy and...
Get the tangled-up in. But, being an aspiring Christian: Book is crystal c. Let alone, a relatively secret, pilgrim history. We are what we pray on earth. Prophesy... or not.
Do I get an Amen. And is this hopeful and God... wonderful news?
Rewind: "We are what we pray on earth. Prophesy... or not."
I'm pretty rubbish at it. Pray-ing. Get that. Doing it with another, or others, is even more double trouble. Nothing about my ol' lazy bones naturally, or necessarily, rushes to talk God-ward. Here now, trying to do both, this-and that. And as for why 'that' difficult vs. drop the blog?
Constantly asking, here-be-me, tip tappin' drinking lemon-water in bed; What AM I Doing?
Get this surveying the rattling Truther up-rise. Tis stuck in the mud. Better is, than not. But it's an internet-based, self-defeating and perpetuating, trap.
WHERE are ANY and ALL calls to DO whatever DOESN'T constitute PREACHING to the CHOIR and USING a KEYBOARD, rather than WALKING somewhere and DOING something PHYSICALLY...
Engagement, intervention and somehow escaping the pixels is what's needed. And NOT... marching "protest on the streets" gumph. Which regardless, all else, is infiltrated. GCHQ etc exercise-time.
HERE'S a word: When bandwidth became as cheap, fast and therefore mobile, as did... say about 2010. A generation of 14+ yr olds, began their daily/hourly baptism and were deep and utterly frazzled, in a pernicious mental onslaught, that has corrupted them like none other Gen. Now need significant deliverance to escape this really is be-satanic and so-called 'social media'. Like none other Gen
Add – here in the sticks fat packs of home-grown – weed, let alone powders and pills...
Under 14 and over 21's – currently, are more or less, doing better. Among UK-like have among us a blank generation. And considering, comparative waste-of-time and screw-up, times. Takes some doing. The modern metaphor that describes like no-other is: Zombie.
OK D. Got to end this grubby gabba. On the pos.
The frogs are just, just... JUST, beginning, to sense the rings on. Splish and plash, "you feeling some heat?" The upside, a digital back-lash. Open theism. Left/Right paradigm, on a crash, bang, wallop. Emptiness so we get hungry...
Time to go out. Blessed to have a go and an out to go to.
Must find the pos. Will sing some.
Positive vibrations.