Shaped (yatsar) and knew (yada).
Statements that I believe to be biblically true (with one or two, in prayerful consideration about).
But first...
They come out of a conviction that Jeremiah 1 and on: God particularly speaks through, to us, today. The question is why are so few of us prepared to the face our Assyria and Babylon? The captivity coming, that God wants us to defeat. Why and how is their existence denied? Ignored. Because if seriously considered, the way of truth is, this revelation would arise out of any fair discussion. There’s ‘no comment’ - so guess what? The church? Talk? Not-at-all. The branches that do, wrap it all up in futuro-theology. Those who rightly discredit this add in their geo-politics, see ‘blame Islam’ and/but/with, the underpinning, “it’s gotta be” - and run a mile.
So there we have it. Sensible (but to an idolatrous level) progressives; and, in the other corner, Zionist/Fatalists. (There are one or two exceptions at least re Israel but not on Augustinianism). In the middle mass, a-political, keep it personal, heavens ours, not much we should-or-can do-ers.
is surprised, sometimes
knows who-like is coming because our ancestors part-make us
shapes embryos more directly, sometimes
looking for people to take a lead, forerunners
so involved, that life is scattered full of his engineered signs and wonders
might go to incredible lengths to achieve what seems to us, the smallest of goals
can cause birth on a certain day to signify
might thwart the enemy by speaking through actions into numerology and other dark matters
is all about life and yet takes responsibility for death, even when not the direct cause
is against murder (hence the need the enemy has to pump this ever more incessantly as drama), sowing death
is life and through our sowing; appoint (us) over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.
knows that what we could describe as, Globalist, Illuminati, New World Order etc is vying to be the only ‘nation’ and in many ways is, and what must be destroyed.
Must get the news desk up and spitting out today. PAS must be quick to the proph. Mornings and prayer must not be compromised by mornings and this. Will more-random post. I take less readers a compliment (if read/can't handle), yet grieve. And, no comments. At least until there’s a one-or-two, full-on awoken uppers.
I'll begin to more go out, all humble and grace, God willing. In no ones face. But gently, with a signpost. I’m not writing to please and get thanks. God knows what’s what. That’s ‘nuff. What did KW splutter? 'We rappers is role models/we rap, we don't think/I ain't here to argue about his facial features/Or here to convert atheists into believers/I'm just tryna say the way school need teachers’
Poor me, poor you. A teacher like... me? What have we become. I look/read y’all, so much better at this, could-be. At least different and richer. Honest. See my waste. Might well redefine some peoples measured appraisal of grace.
God’s Message came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?
“I said, “A walking stick—that’s all.”
And God said, “Good eyes! I’m sticking with you.
I’ll make every word I give you come true.”
Oh yes God