Yesterday, con-fuse city. Garble of a post. Gotta mend m'ways.
Find, One thing to say. Dash out and on. There's too little time to be always... tawk, tawk, talkin' or, writing 'bout – Things.
Word-out into heavenlies and something to stir me – that might for the few but dear readers.
For you alone…safety to be dangerous. With the encroaching war-zone, the luxury of social freedoms must be taken so as to stop coming-apocalypse. What's unfolding (the meaning of 'apoc…') maybe akin to the context David was writing.
Takeover and destruction of peoples, lands and in this, the honour of God? That all now and in balance.
This psalm could have been about a slagging-off. David slandered. Same ol' song remains though, in all woods.
In trouble: need – urgent – help.
When other-ways, won't-do. E.g. propensity to cease distress through a lifetime of inner training. Management of nerves. Circumstances on-top of, DNA maybe?
How about... God?
Do we get touched and relieved by our unseen lover. Or how about 'not-God' and disturbing spirits? Would and when, if... God gives us a hard-time, is hard to discern. When all about promising the opp. And my personal experience. Running the course, isn't 'doing to'. And the enemy, the enemy.
If so? How relief come? Wooosh. Ya got it. Peace in the valley. Is this given and taken? By good-ways and lost, in less. (Nb. last word is a code-word for 'sin').
Do all what believe God would have us do, otherwise troub? This doesn't seem to be the case. Not exactly/or my experience. Possibly in the context of expectations, i.e. could be so much better. And then there's Grace and Mercy.
Pouring coffee I'm drinking. Bible-like for. Concentrated intake.
A word on Classical Music. To play this best, pick one piece and play 12, 30, 50 times. Then you get. Else not.
Reading Psalm 4 a half a dozen times, read once loudly outdoors yesterday was a sip. A once through a symphony.
Outside of all understanding of our understanding there's a 'beyond the mind'. This responds to multi-repetitions. Relights. Re-listens etc
Right ground (Mark 4) – and seeds plenty. Key Christianity. Is...
Transmit inner-sides. Hidden psychologicals. Depths and breadths and here's the thang – Out “there/s”. Hidden world porous to passages and verses. Not writing 'around and about'. Other. However inspirational. No. Gen to Rev got The Power of God, in and on.
Read any kind of poetry, prose, what ye ever? Can build us up. But... Bible, of an utterly different order.
Paraphrases can work-ish but need to be watched, unless truly embraced or led to use.
Best get ya version, stick and soak. Wash-in, groan out, post-notes up, mantra-like, moan-a-long, sing, scream. Shout. Stare and if silence? Actively so. Hear.
The first two verses of this Psalm (4) perfectly explain the way. Could be reversed or seen as the momentum like circle. All we need is to be 'heard' by God. And knowing-back helps.
Relief from my distress/when I call to you/relief from my distress... etc etc
Writing to myself here. Suppose, if anyone wasn't bang-into God, I'd be chuffed if reading. As for any fellow, want to be a warrior when we grow-up-ers? This all ABC. This our bread.
God whatever is on the word menu today help me be completely over the top in reading and speaking out. Praying all times. Not some and some. All, as I go and significantly, strategically and decisively in times set. Set times. This is war like-Syria. Is War, In Syria, and world-moving over. The what can be done, in our hands. Banish the lies and unbelief. May today advances in unseen maneuvers truly occur. You want to give and see got, more than we could ever begin to care. Share and rearrange us to be yours, for all you need. Necessity. By any praying necessary. No stopping. In Jesus name.