All In All
Need to know God. Same old song.
This somewhat peculiar exercise and typing thoughts help. A growing dislike for all media over the compromise it causes weighs in strong. Understand why others do well on the internet... but ain't me/babe/anymore.
We're made to react. Natural. Respond to our environment. Evolutionists take us back to the forests and fires. Link to our modern ways.
Another approach is we're made to reconcile with God. How one day, God will be our all in all. Proceed in experiencing this now. Yet... not, fully. And how everything that matters most is about our moves toward or away from -- God. Battles of life about.
Most persuasive to outsiders "might-be" are indications of evil. Seen and documented, while no benign 'other'-- makes less sense? Not my way and knowing God-is alive but see how this throws up a sign.
Progressive evangelicals hold understandable reservations that satan/demons/devil etc. is/are, real.
Ideas about active entities, muddied by the participants and testimonies, those claiming engagement. Scepticism through this leads to reinterpret the plain reading of Jesus ways. And/or de-personalise these unseen influencers.
What really goes, is they're able to move as we allow and empower them. Yet withdrawal from, or over-enthusiasm toward, is a common way. This geeky speculating about demons lot, linger about awaken web.
While others holding more relaxed assessments think chaos over order. In what's going on and coming upon us in for a shock.
The opposite line is promote perpetual -- "latest DVD" -- shocks.
The enemies vulnerability in self-disclosure is leading people to Christ. Do... a bit. All with the little viable witness to help make it through and on. Count my own shameful behaviour doing no better.
Few who 'get God' inevitable get in-with and become trapped in redundant theology and the 'end-times' crowd.
Seen a rewind top of Crimes this morning highlights one of the directions mistaken and taken. So sad and this not the only cul-de-sac trap.
All links to sleeping about the political. And classic-theology gasping of some honest reappraising. Combined with need reminding of pray-ers in the past.
Devils are on individuals but intensive in congregating with the elite cult of cults. That lot. They need to do rituals. Some private and suspected-ways, the other false/hoax flags. Simulated or real sacrifices. Feeding off the mass appeal to believe over investigate. Feelings over evidence.
God wants them exposed so that people will run to salvation and healing in Christ. Deliverance.
Back on 'why Children' and what the 'turned' means... later. Ronnie.
On children. Reading; who is comforting us in all our tribulation, for our being able to comfort those in any tribulation through the comfort with which we are comforted ourselves by God.
Our childlike need. The obvious interpretation is about wonder and openness but back to needs. No need/no God. Less need/less...
Need-not, which is everywhere. The media spew out. Or if the case, gonna be no help in 'fictitious or vague' Jesus.
Turn to God is about felt-needs.
Sin in/by us and others, should have us running to God. See through substitutes. Longing and looking for the reign of the heavens. Position, posture, authority, active-go -- 'bas-il-i'-ah'. Definition: kingship, sovereignty, authority, rule, kingdom. While basileia is a noun, it's a verb in intent.
The realm in which God rules. Through and by -- us.