Must stop writing for readers.
Matt Drudge in a rare recent interview with Jonsey, said this, was his way ahead. Write for your/my/self and, in my case, God. And the realm that God is moving on. And do it pretty nifty not trying be all Johnny Updike about it. Spit freestyle. Publish, think about it later.
To this end Truthscoop will become a bit more God-direct.
Evangelism ABC would make that the pizza and this the talk. Cynics credibility is high and I feel this with awkward empathy. Yet times are what they are and the leading is... back to Drudge’s word.
Seed prophecy to help me pray. Written onto the server/s.
Retrieved by PC’s is secondary to the - who knows what or watchful - unseen.
I’m scratching my head to recommend some recorded prophecy today. It might be there, in amongst mainstream-Charismatico? Problem is, it'll be lost in a presumptuous overload.
Unfulfilled, the cry-wolfing has been a main leverage in an understandable exodus, mainly to a progressive oasis. Relieved to be more freely intellectual and gain some respect with outsiders. Otherwise it's non-charismatic pastures and “solid Bible teaching”. Solid maintenance but as with progressives not assertive for revival. Hey, not for me to judge but I can't see where prayer and evangelism comes out of this? Sure it does/I guess - but the prophetic? The progs keep it subliminal or at least private, the reformed - a no-go/not for today.
Bo haa, anyone wanna take me home?
Prophecy a seed or seed a prophecy eh?
Talk about state the obv:
The word from tomorrow. Rambling unshackled and without footnotes... (without feet more-like), are attempts to be ‘of’, or if ya like, ‘from God’. They have to be possibles in substance and doubtless God’s intent. This doesn't make it prophecy, nor is it necessarily ‘about what God wants/or will - do’. Say now, do or, have done.
If God does get through (me) and ‘if’, not when, but faith says when (here and there) - only someone else can confirm this. Due to circumstances beyond my control and no fellow-ship, I may be convicted from tip to crown but still will accept some doubt, or let's rub that, some... appropriate confirmation. (Theologically this should be in a local community but... what did I write, ‘in circumstances...’.
That, or the yet appearance or audible voice experience. Even then...
I do believe, I will believe (unless I write otherwise), that I'm prophesying, having a go. Yeah ‘that’ is how it goes. Having-A-Go.
Like prayer, not all is ‘praying’ in that God says he hears our cries, all groans and deep. Yet Jesus says, you pray and you will receive. The cop-out clause is “haven't you realised ‘no’ is also an answer” makes no plain reading sense.
“No”, I didn't/donut have faith, no I didn't persist and breakthrough, no in the mystery and the fight. No in not-fasting, no... lots of reasons and yes, exceptionally God knows better. But only this when we're praying what God wants. Of course there’s plenty God doesn’t want. (How about this, merciful God doesn't answer that, remarkably sometimes he might).
In redemption, healing, deliverance, overcoming - all that God is unambiguous/ambivalent about - the ‘no’ is about us. And blaming the devil, albeit genuinely why not, is no excuse.
Therefore I will only post here if I believe is prophecy and some surrounding info.
Want some messy but explo of hot white light theology, my comments (Bio) has my mostly co-opted teaching (as we do) gushing and grammar-challenged. Enough to get a gist.
I’ll try and teach a bit on Truthscoop but really it's the watching as this is prayer and - goes hand in hand - prophecy.
‘See’ - tonight's word.